Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED moving message display - interfacing problems! RS232


princo coasters

I recently purchased some led message boards from auction and need some
information on them ..... hopefully someone here can help?

The signs are made by "LEISURE UNLIMITED AUSTRALIA" - LUA Electronics, and
are about 1.3 metres long - dot matrix single line RED display...30+ chars
(cant tell exactly as the characters use less than one LED block each)

When the signs are powered up, they simply display a 6 digit serial number
(same number as shown on the back of each unit - matches the units serial)
and then they just sit there displaying that number - I assume, waiting for
some valid commands.
Leisure Unlimited Australia, LUA Electronics used to be here:
LUA Electronics Pty Ltd. 11 Redwood Drv Notting Hill VIC 3168, but are shown
as a de-registered company on the AISC site, and obviously, nobody answers
the old phone number....yep - tried anyway!

I found some software I thought might control them here...... Electronics.htm

but so far, have had no luck!

I made up a serial port null modem cable after checking that the sign DB9
connector has only pins 2, 3 and 5 connected......but no joy.....tried a few
different types of null modem cable too.

By taking a peek inside the software, the only settings I could see were
9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop these are the settings I
have been using - although I have also tried others too with no luck.

The controller for the sign uses a TC232CPE level converter, an 8031
processor, one RAM chip (HY6264ALP-10) and a 27C64 EPROM.
I don't have anything else much that i can tell you about it, so I am hoping
that someone here has used them before, or might be able to help me
interface to it.

Would dumping the contents of the EPROM help to nut this out?? Anyone likely
to be able to make sense of it?

If any one has any software to use these or knows where i could get it from
it would be much apreciated.

If anyone could even jusdt point me in the way of someone who used to work
at this company that would be great too

Thanks in advance !

princo coasters

Nobody here has played with RS232 or 8031's?????

Anyone using a LED message sign at work? What brand is it? How is it

John Tserkezis

princo said:
Nobody here has played with RS232 or 8031's?????

I'm sure at least some of us have played with RS232 and/or 8031's, just not
within the message board you outlined. And even if one hasn't, it really
doesn't matter anyway.
Anyone using a LED message sign at work? What brand is it? How is it

The ones that I played with (a million years ago) were RS232-interfaced,
(back when RS232 was trendy), but you used a dumb terminal to talk to it.
Certain characters were used for control purposes, everything else
(alphanumerics) were used for display.

This doesn't help you of course, not only because can I not remember the
brand of the displays, no other brand might help either - simply because there
are no communications standards for these things.

I've heard of AT style keyboard connected interfaces, USB, parallel printer
port interfaced, you name it, I've "heard" of them all. All of them different
with the way one programmed the text.

Regardless, unless someone doesn't have that model you have and knows how to
drive it, nothing else will help.

I would be cynical of the usefulness of "looking under the bonnet" because
if you want to disassemble the code, by the time you go through it, it may
very well be cheaper to buy something off the shelf that has software and
instructions all nicely laid out for you.

When purchasing things like these, you really have to do your homework
first, otherwise you might be buying a vintage black box. Very nice, but
black boxes don't really do anything exiting by themselves.

Keep looking, you might get lucky and hear from someone that has used them.

Otherwise, it might be useful to stick a protocol analyser in there and see
if the boxes bounce any bytes back in response to your probing. It'll give
you an idea of the speed at least.
Failing all the above, some trial and error may be called for.

Good luck.

David L. Jones

I recently purchased some led message boards from auction and need some
information on them ..... hopefully someone here can help?

The signs are made by "LEISURE UNLIMITED AUSTRALIA" - LUA Electronics, and
are about 1.3 metres long - dot matrix single line RED display...30+ chars
(cant tell exactly as the characters use less than one LED block each)

When the signs are powered up, they simply display a 6 digit serial number
(same number as shown on the back of each unit - matches the units serial)
and then they just sit there displaying that number - I assume, waiting for
some valid commands.
Leisure Unlimited Australia, LUA Electronics used to be here:
LUA Electronics Pty Ltd. 11 Redwood Drv Notting Hill VIC 3168, but are shown
as a de-registered company on the AISC site, and obviously, nobody answers
the old phone number....yep - tried anyway!

I found some software I thought might control them here...... Electronics.htm

but so far, have had no luck!

I made up a serial port null modem cable after checking that the sign DB9
connector has only pins 2, 3 and 5 connected......but no joy.....tried a few
different types of null modem cable too.

By taking a peek inside the software, the only settings I could see were
9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop these are the settings I
have been using - although I have also tried others too with no luck.

The controller for the sign uses a TC232CPE level converter, an 8031
processor, one RAM chip (HY6264ALP-10) and a 27C64 EPROM.
I don't have anything else much that i can tell you about it, so I am hoping
that someone here has used them before, or might be able to help me
interface to it.

Would dumping the contents of the EPROM help to nut this out?? Anyone likely
to be able to make sense of it?

If any one has any software to use these or knows where i could get it from
it would be much apreciated.

If anyone could even jusdt point me in the way of someone who used to work
at this company that would be great too

Thanks in advance !

As John mentioned, it's a lot of effort to try and reverse engineer
something like that, and I wouldn't bother. Sounds like you've tried
the basics, so I'd give at that point.
What I *would* do however is to simply write new software for it from
scratch, that should be quicker than trying to decode what the old one
does. Either use the existing 8031 with a new ROM, or replace it with
the micro of your choosing. Should use all discrete hardware, so that
should be fairly easy to figure trace out and figure out how to drive
the LED's.

With your own software you get the benefit of making it do exactly
what you want, likely with more features than the original software


Foley U. Matthews

I recently purchased some led message boards from auction and need some
information on them ..... hopefully someone here can help?

The signs are made by "LEISURE UNLIMITED AUSTRALIA" - LUA Electronics, and
are about 1.3 metres long - dot matrix single line RED display...30+ chars
(cant tell exactly as the characters use less than one LED block each)

i came into posession of a sign like that for free, no keypad.

i found a sign shop that had a few old left over keypads to try.

several cost over 100 dollars.

9 pin connector was not serial port, some kind of matrix scanned
When the signs are powered up, they simply display a 6 digit serial number
(same number as shown on the back of each unit - matches the units serial)
and then they just sit there displaying that number - I assume, waiting for
some valid commands.
Leisure Unlimited Australia, LUA Electronics used to be here:
LUA Electronics Pty Ltd. 11 Redwood Drv Notting Hill VIC 3168, but are shown
as a de-registered company on the AISC site, and obviously, nobody answers
the old phone number....yep - tried anyway!

I found some software I thought might control them here...... Electronics.htm

but so far, have had no luck!

I made up a serial port null modem cable after checking that the sign DB9
connector has only pins 2, 3 and 5 connected......but no joy.....tried a few
different types of null modem cable too.

By taking a peek inside the software, the only settings I could see were
9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop these are the settings I
have been using - although I have also tried others too with no luck.

The controller for the sign uses a TC232CPE level converter, an 8031
processor, one RAM chip (HY6264ALP-10) and a 27C64 EPROM.
I don't have anything else much that i can tell you about it, so I am hoping
that someone here has used them before, or might be able to help me
interface to it.

Would dumping the contents of the EPROM help to nut this out?? Anyone likely
to be able to make sense of it?

If any one has any software to use these or knows where i could get it from
it would be much apreciated.

If anyone could even jusdt point me in the way of someone who used to work
at this company that would be great too

Thanks in advance !

Foley U. Matthews there | Personal
are no e's in my true email | Automatic Transport for S.E. Queensland.
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | groceries online, home delivery. | dislike football (Australian).

princo coasters

Thanks for replies.....

This sign definately has a serial port - it has an rs232 level converter IC
and uses pins 2,3,and 5 of the 9 pin d socket (rs232 standard)

Havent yet been able to get anything on the sign, but have measured voltages
to make sure sign is getting the data, and converter is working.

Any other ideas?

Getting dump of EPROM tomorrow.

David L. Jones

Thanks for replies.....

This sign definately has a serial port - it has an rs232 level converter IC
and uses pins 2,3,and 5 of the 9 pin d socket (rs232 standard)

Havent yet been able to get anything on the sign, but have measured voltages
to make sure sign is getting the data, and converter is working.

Any other ideas?

Yes, if you have the skills to decode the software in that EPROM, then
you have the skills to simply write your own software from scratch.
Hardware debug + your own software is probably the easiest way.

Leisure Unlimited Australia, LUA Electronics used to be here:
LUA Electronics Pty Ltd. 11 Redwood Drv Notting Hill VIC 3168, but are shown
as a de-registered company on the AISC site, and obviously, nobody answers
the old phone number....yep - tried anyway!

I have a suspicion that LUA morphed into Axent Global


John Tserkezis

David said:
Yes, if you have the skills to decode the software in that EPROM, then
you have the skills to simply write your own software from scratch.
Hardware debug + your own software is probably the easiest way.

Er, I think there's more to it than that. It's trivial to dump the EPROM
contents, then de-compile that with the relevant tools.

Making sense of all that comment-less code is a different ballgame altogether.

In the event it was complied with a higher level language, then the
assembler will make just a little less sense.

petrus bitbyter

princo coasters said:
Thanks for replies.....

This sign definately has a serial port - it has an rs232 level converter
IC and uses pins 2,3,and 5 of the 9 pin d socket (rs232 standard)

Havent yet been able to get anything on the sign, but have measured
voltages to make sure sign is getting the data, and converter is working.

Any other ideas?

Getting dump of EPROM tomorrow.

The 8031 is an old workhorse with a UART inside. Once you have the hexdump,
you can run a disassembler over it and track down the serial communication
part. Finding out the path of the incoming data and command recognising is
the next step. It will take quite some time, but it can be done. I've done
similar things although not in the current century. No need to say you will
need the 8051 datasheet. It's only a 150 pages but you don't need to read
them all :)

petrus bitbyter

David L. Jones

not so sure about that Dave.

I did a moving message board (see Silicon Chip 1989, over 4 issues)

To assemble the text, make it move, calculate the next frame ahead, and
have it move up, down, left or right, then add all the scroll left,
right, up down, etc, etc.,

Then if you want animated 3 colour crocodiles, space vehicles,
telephones, flowers, etc, etc, as I did, it may take about 18 months of
your spare time. A part time labor of love.

18 months is a long time. Assembler? Was most of your high level
functionality internal to the message board, or external to it like on
a PC?

With a high level language compiler and possibly some pre-written code
for the high level stuff (text-to-bitmap etc), it need only take a
fraction of that time. If you offload the high level stuff to the PC
then the actual LED message driving part of it becomes relatively

The problem PrincoCoasters might have though is that he might have to
do all that anyway. Even if he decodes the software and gets it to
talk he might find that the message board is nothing more than a low
level device which holds a bitmap image and scrolls it. i.e. it might
not have any ASCII to bitmap decoding built in, so he won't be able to
simply send it ASCII text and have it displayed. In that case a PC
application would have to be written anyway.


David L. Jones

all z80 assembly Dave, and part time as I say.
Mind you, I just kept writing it until I was happy and exhausted all
possibilities. :)

You might be interested (or relieved) to know you don't hold the
record for development time for a published project. I think that
honor goes to Peter Baxter's 100MHz Logic Analyser in EA which took in
the order of 5 years to develop, only to be narrowly beaten to
publication by my 40MHz Logic Analyser project by a couple of months!
(my one only took a few months to develop)


petrus bitbyter

Don McKenzie said:
all z80 assembly Dave, and part time as I say.
Mind you, I just kept writing it until I was happy and exhausted all
possibilities. :)

started off as a single colour display, (Silicon Chip articles) but I
added alternate rows of red and green LEDs to produce orange as well, so
it became a 3 colour device.
has the code.


Don McKenzie

Site Map:
E-Mail Contact Page:
No More Damn Spam:

Serial OLED uses standard micro-SD memory cards.

USB Flash Drive interface for existing products.

Be aware that Z80 code differs widely from 8051 (8751, 8031) code. I used
both, ever wrote even disassemblers.

petrus bitbyter

princo coasters


Well, got the contents of one of the EPROMs dumped....and have run it
through a disassembler called "MCS51" - selecting the 8031 as the processor.

All dumps are the same except for the serial number of the sign which is
coded in line #103h and #104h

I have left out the code from #09BA - #1FFF as it is all blank/unused.

Is anyone able to suggest where I might find the serial port communication
protocol? I have programmed the 6809 a long time ago, and a bit of 8051 -
but VERY rusty.

Thanks in advance for any help!

#cpu = 8031
0000 02 08 00 ljmp 0800h
0003 00 nop
0004 00 nop
0005 00 nop
0006 00 nop
0007 00 nop
0008 00 nop
0009 00 nop
000A 00 nop
000B 00 nop
000C 00 nop
000D 00 nop
000E 00 nop
000F 00 nop
0010 00 nop
0011 00 nop
0012 00 nop
0013 00 nop
0014 00 nop
0015 00 nop
0016 00 nop
0017 00 nop
0018 00 nop
0019 00 nop
001A 00 nop
001B 00 nop
001C 00 nop
001D 00 nop
001E 00 nop
001F 00 nop
0020 00 nop
0021 00 nop
0022 00 nop
0023 C0 D0 push PSW
0025 43 D0 18 orl PSW, #18h ; 24d
0028 AC 82 mov r4, DPL
002A AE 83 mov r6, DPH
002C FF mov r7, a
002D 10 98 0B jbc RI, 003Bh
0030 85 2F A0 mov P2, 2Fh
0033 EF mov a, r7
0034 8E 83 mov DPH, r6
0036 8C 82 mov DPL, r4
0038 D0 D0 pop PSW
003A 32 reti
003B E5 99 mov a, SBUF
003D FD mov r5, a
003E 64 1B xrl a, #1Bh ; 27d
0040 60 60 jz 00A2h
0042 EA mov a, r2
0043 20 E7 EA jb ACC.7, 0030h
0046 60 0B jz 0053h
0048 14 dec a
0049 60 10 jz 005Bh
004B 14 dec a
004C 60 2D jz 007Bh
004E 14 dec a
004F 60 76 jz 00C7h
0051 80 4D sjmp 00A0h
0053 74 40 mov a, #40h ; 64d = '@'
0055 6D xrl a, r5
0056 70 48 jnz 00A0h
0058 0A inc r2
0059 80 48 sjmp 00A3h
005B 0A inc r2
005C 7B FF mov r3, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
005E 74 46 mov a, #46h ; 70d = 'F'
0060 6D xrl a, r5
0061 60 40 jz 00A3h
0063 78 00 mov r0, #00h ; 0d
0065 74 41 mov a, #41h ; 65d = 'A'
0067 0B inc r3
0068 6D xrl a, r5
0069 60 38 jz 00A3h
006B 74 44 mov a, #44h ; 68d = 'D'
006D 0B inc r3
006E 78 80 mov r0, #80h ; 128d = '€'
0070 6D xrl a, r5
0071 60 30 jz 00A3h
0073 74 54 mov a, #54h ; 84d = 'T'
0075 6D xrl a, r5
0076 70 28 jnz 00A0h
0078 02 09 4C ljmp 094Ch
007B EB mov a, r3
007C 60 27 jz 00A5h
007E E5 2D mov a, 2Dh
0080 6D xrl a, r5
0081 70 1D jnz 00A0h
0083 EB mov a, r3
0084 14 dec a
0085 60 14 jz 009Bh
0087 04 inc a
0088 04 inc a
0089 70 15 jnz 00A0h
008B D2 01 setb 20h.1
008D 75 A0 00 mov P2, #00h ; 0d
0090 E8 mov a, r0
0091 64 9A xrl a, #9Ah ; 154d = 'Å¡'
0093 60 0B jz 00A0h
0095 74 20 mov a, #20h ; 32d
0097 F2 movx @r0, a
0098 08 inc r0
0099 80 F5 sjmp 0090h
009B 0A inc r2
009C C2 01 clr 20h.1
009E 80 03 sjmp 00A3h
00A0 74 80 mov a, #80h ; 128d = '€'
00A2 FA mov r2, a
00A3 80 8B sjmp 0030h
00A5 E8 mov a, r0
00A6 64 06 xrl a, #06h ; 6d
00A8 70 12 jnz 00BCh
00AA 8D 2D mov 2Dh, r5
00AC 90 00 80 mov dptr, #0080h
00AF 74 20 mov a, #20h ; 32d
00B1 78 1B mov r0, #1Bh ; 27d
00B3 F0 movx @dptr, a
00B4 05 82 inc DPL
00B6 D8 FB djnz r0, 00B3h
00B8 D2 01 setb 20h.1
00BA 80 E4 sjmp 00A0h
00BC 90 01 00 mov dptr, #0100h
00BF E8 mov a, r0
00C0 93 movc a, @a+dptr
00C1 6D xrl a, r5
00C2 70 DC jnz 00A0h
00C4 08 inc r0
00C5 80 DC sjmp 00A3h
00C7 E8 mov a, r0
00C8 64 9A xrl a, #9Ah ; 154d = 'Å¡'
00CA 60 D4 jz 00A0h
00CC 75 A0 00 mov P2, #00h ; 0d
00CF ED mov a, r5
00D0 F2 movx @r0, a
00D1 08 inc r0
00D2 80 CF sjmp 00A3h
00D4 00 nop
00D5 00 nop
00D6 00 nop
00D7 00 nop
00D8 00 nop
00D9 00 nop
00DA 00 nop
00DB 00 nop
00DC 00 nop
00DD 00 nop
00DE 00 nop
00DF 00 nop
00E0 00 nop
00E1 00 nop
00E2 00 nop
00E3 00 nop
00E4 00 nop
00E5 00 nop
00E6 00 nop
00E7 00 nop
00E8 00 nop
00E9 00 nop
00EA 00 nop
00EB 00 nop
00EC 00 nop
00ED 00 nop
00EE 00 nop
00EF 00 nop
00F0 00 nop
00F1 00 nop
00F2 00 nop
00F3 00 nop
00F4 00 nop
00F5 00 nop
00F6 00 nop
00F7 00 nop
00F8 00 nop
00F9 00 nop
00FA 00 nop
00FB 00 nop
00FC 00 nop
00FD 00 nop
00FE 00 nop
00FF 00 nop
0100 30 30 30 jnb 26h.0, 0133h
0103 36 addc a, @r0
0104 31 38 acall 138h
0106 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 0129h
0109 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 012Ch
010C 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 012Fh
010F 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 0132h
0112 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 0135h
0115 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 0138h
0118 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 013Bh
011B 20 20 20 jb 24h.0, 013Eh
011E 20 20 00 jb 24h.0, 0121h
0121 04 inc a
0122 05 00 inc 00h
0124 04 inc a
0125 03 rr a
0126 02 06 08 ljmp 0608h
0129 02 00 00 ljmp 0000h
012C 00 nop
012D 00 nop
012E 00 nop
012F 00 nop
0130 0E inc r6
0131 04 inc a
0132 0E inc r6
0133 1F dec r7
0134 08 inc r0
0135 1F dec r7
0136 0C inc r4
0137 1F dec r7
0138 0E inc r6
0139 0E inc r6
013A 00 nop
013B 00 nop
013C 08 inc r0
013D 00 nop
013E 02 0E 0E ljmp 0E0Eh
0141 04 inc a
0142 0F inc r7
0143 0E inc r6
0144 0F inc r7
0145 1F dec r7
0146 1F dec r7
0147 0E inc r6
0148 11 0E acall Eh
014A 0E inc r6
014B 11 01 acall 1h
014D 11 11 acall 11h
014F 0E inc r6
0150 0F inc r7
0151 0E inc r6
0152 0F inc r7
0153 0E inc r6
0154 1F dec r7
0155 11 11 acall 11h
0157 11 11 acall 11h
0159 11 1F acall 1Fh
015B 0E inc r6
015C 00 nop
015D 0E inc r6
015E 04 inc a
015F 00 nop
0160 02 00 01 ljmp 0001h
0163 00 nop
0164 10 00 0C jbc 20h.0, 0173h
0167 00 nop
0168 01 04 ajmp 4h
016A 08 inc r0
016B 01 06 ajmp 6h
016D 00 nop
016E 00 nop
016F 00 nop
0170 00 nop
0171 00 nop
0172 00 nop
0173 00 nop
0174 02 00 00 ljmp 0000h
0177 00 nop
0178 00 nop
0179 00 nop
017A 00 nop
017B 10 04 01 jbc 20h.4, 017Fh
017E 1F dec r7
017F 00 nop
0180 00 nop
0181 00 nop
0182 00 nop
0183 00 nop
0184 00 nop
0185 00 nop
0186 00 nop
0187 00 nop
0188 00 nop
0189 00 nop
018A 00 nop
018B 00 nop
018C 00 nop
018D 00 nop
018E 00 nop
018F 00 nop
0190 00 nop
0191 00 nop
0192 00 nop
0193 00 nop
0194 00 nop
0195 00 nop
0196 00 nop
0197 00 nop
0198 00 nop
0199 00 nop
019A 00 nop
019B 00 nop
019C 00 nop
019D 00 nop
019E 00 nop
019F 00 nop
01A0 00 nop
01A1 00 nop
01A2 00 nop
01A3 00 nop
01A4 00 nop
01A5 00 nop
01A6 00 nop
01A7 00 nop
01A8 00 nop
01A9 00 nop
01AA 00 nop
01AB 00 nop
01AC 00 nop
01AD 00 nop
01AE 00 nop
01AF 00 nop
01B0 00 nop
01B1 00 nop
01B2 00 nop
01B3 00 nop
01B4 00 nop
01B5 00 nop
01B6 00 nop
01B7 00 nop
01B8 00 nop
01B9 00 nop
01BA 00 nop
01BB 00 nop
01BC 00 nop
01BD 00 nop
01BE 00 nop
01BF 00 nop
01C0 00 nop
01C1 00 nop
01C2 00 nop
01C3 00 nop
01C4 00 nop
01C5 00 nop
01C6 00 nop
01C7 00 nop
01C8 00 nop
01C9 00 nop
01CA 00 nop
01CB 00 nop
01CC 00 nop
01CD 00 nop
01CE 00 nop
01CF 00 nop
01D0 00 nop
01D1 00 nop
01D2 00 nop
01D3 00 nop
01D4 00 nop
01D5 00 nop
01D6 00 nop
01D7 00 nop
01D8 00 nop
01D9 00 nop
01DA 00 nop
01DB 00 nop
01DC 00 nop
01DD 00 nop
01DE 00 nop
01DF 00 nop
01E0 00 nop
01E1 00 nop
01E2 00 nop
01E3 00 nop
01E4 00 nop
01E5 00 nop
01E6 00 nop
01E7 00 nop
01E8 00 nop
01E9 00 nop
01EA 00 nop
01EB 00 nop
01EC 00 nop
01ED 00 nop
01EE 00 nop
01EF 00 nop
01F0 00 nop
01F1 00 nop
01F2 00 nop
01F3 00 nop
01F4 00 nop
01F5 00 nop
01F6 00 nop
01F7 00 nop
01F8 00 nop
01F9 00 nop
01FA 00 nop
01FB 00 nop
01FC 00 nop
01FD 00 nop
01FE 00 nop
01FF 00 nop
0200 00 nop
0201 00 nop
0202 00 nop
0203 00 nop
0204 00 nop
0205 00 nop
0206 00 nop
0207 00 nop
0208 00 nop
0209 00 nop
020A 00 nop
020B 00 nop
020C 00 nop
020D 00 nop
020E 00 nop
020F 00 nop
0210 00 nop
0211 00 nop
0212 00 nop
0213 00 nop
0214 00 nop
0215 00 nop
0216 00 nop
0217 00 nop
0218 00 nop
0219 00 nop
021A 00 nop
021B 00 nop
021C 00 nop
021D 00 nop
021E 00 nop
021F 00 nop
0220 00 nop
0221 04 inc a
0222 05 0A inc 0Ah
0224 1E dec r6
0225 13 rrc a
0226 05 04 inc 04h
0228 04 inc a
0229 04 inc a
022A 15 04 dec 04h
022C 00 nop
022D 00 nop
022E 00 nop
022F 10 11 06 jbc 22h.1, 0238h
0232 11 08 acall 8h
0234 0C inc r4
0235 01 02 ajmp 2h
0237 10 11 11 jbc 22h.1, 024Bh
023A 06 inc @r0
023B 06 inc @r0
023C 04 inc a
023D 00 nop
023E 04 inc a
023F 11 11 acall 11h
0241 0A inc r2
0242 12 11 12 lcall 1112h
0245 01 01 ajmp 1h
0247 11 11 acall 11h
0249 04 inc a
024A 04 inc a
024B 09 inc r1
024C 01 1B ajmp 1Bh
024E 11 11 acall 11h
0250 11 11 acall 11h
0252 11 11 acall 11h
0254 04 inc a
0255 11 11 acall 11h
0257 11 11 acall 11h
0259 11 10 acall 10h
025B 02 07 08 ljmp 0708h
025E 0E inc r6
025F 0E inc r6
0260 04 inc a
0261 00 nop
0262 01 00 ajmp 0h
0264 10 00 12 jbc 20h.0, 0279h
0267 1E dec r6
0268 01 00 ajmp 0h
026A 00 nop
026B 01 04 ajmp 4h
026D 00 nop
026E 00 nop
026F 00 nop
0270 00 nop
0271 00 nop
0272 00 nop
0273 00 nop
0274 02 00 00 ljmp 0000h
0277 00 nop
0278 00 nop
0279 00 nop
027A 00 nop
027B 08 inc r0
027C 04 inc a
027D 02 1F 10 ljmp 1F10h
0280 00 nop
0281 00 nop
0282 00 nop
0283 00 nop
0284 00 nop
0285 00 nop
0286 00 nop
0287 00 nop
0288 00 nop
0289 00 nop
028A 00 nop
028B 00 nop
028C 00 nop
028D 00 nop
028E 00 nop
028F 00 nop
0290 00 nop
0291 00 nop
0292 00 nop
0293 00 nop
0294 00 nop
0295 00 nop
0296 00 nop
0297 00 nop
0298 00 nop
0299 00 nop
029A 00 nop
029B 00 nop
029C 00 nop
029D 00 nop
029E 00 nop
029F 00 nop
02A0 00 nop
02A1 00 nop
02A2 00 nop
02A3 00 nop
02A4 00 nop
02A5 00 nop
02A6 00 nop
02A7 00 nop
02A8 00 nop
02A9 00 nop
02AA 00 nop
02AB 00 nop
02AC 00 nop
02AD 00 nop
02AE 00 nop
02AF 00 nop
02B0 00 nop
02B1 00 nop
02B2 00 nop
02B3 00 nop
02B4 00 nop
02B5 00 nop
02B6 00 nop
02B7 00 nop
02B8 00 nop
02B9 00 nop
02BA 00 nop
02BB 00 nop
02BC 00 nop
02BD 00 nop
02BE 00 nop
02BF 00 nop
02C0 00 nop
02C1 00 nop
02C2 00 nop
02C3 00 nop
02C4 00 nop
02C5 00 nop
02C6 00 nop
02C7 00 nop
02C8 00 nop
02C9 00 nop
02CA 00 nop
02CB 00 nop
02CC 00 nop
02CD 00 nop
02CE 00 nop
02CF 00 nop
02D0 00 nop
02D1 00 nop
02D2 00 nop
02D3 00 nop
02D4 00 nop
02D5 00 nop
02D6 00 nop
02D7 00 nop
02D8 00 nop
02D9 00 nop
02DA 00 nop
02DB 00 nop
02DC 00 nop
02DD 00 nop
02DE 00 nop
02DF 00 nop
02E0 00 nop
02E1 00 nop
02E2 00 nop
02E3 00 nop
02E4 00 nop
02E5 00 nop
02E6 00 nop
02E7 00 nop
02E8 00 nop
02E9 00 nop
02EA 00 nop
02EB 00 nop
02EC 00 nop
02ED 00 nop
02EE 00 nop
02EF 00 nop
02F0 00 nop
02F1 00 nop
02F2 00 nop
02F3 00 nop
02F4 00 nop
02F5 00 nop
02F6 00 nop
02F7 00 nop
02F8 00 nop
02F9 00 nop
02FA 00 nop
02FB 00 nop
02FC 00 nop
02FD 00 nop
02FE 00 nop
02FF 00 nop
0300 00 nop
0301 00 nop
0302 00 nop
0303 00 nop
0304 00 nop
0305 00 nop
0306 00 nop
0307 00 nop
0308 00 nop
0309 00 nop
030A 00 nop
030B 00 nop
030C 00 nop
030D 00 nop
030E 00 nop
030F 00 nop
0310 00 nop
0311 00 nop
0312 00 nop
0313 00 nop
0314 00 nop
0315 00 nop
0316 00 nop
0317 00 nop
0318 00 nop
0319 00 nop
031A 00 nop
031B 00 nop
031C 00 nop
031D 00 nop
031E 00 nop
031F 00 nop
0320 00 nop
0321 04 inc a
0322 05 1F inc 1Fh
0324 05 08 inc 08h
0326 05 02 inc 02h
0328 02 08 0E ljmp 080Eh
032B 04 inc a
032C 00 nop
032D 00 nop
032E 00 nop
032F 08 inc r0
0330 19 dec r1
0331 04 inc a
0332 10 04 0A jbc 20h.4, 033Fh
0335 0F inc r7
0336 01 08 ajmp 8h
0338 11 11 acall 11h
033A 06 inc @r0
033B 06 inc @r0
033C 02 1F 08 ljmp 1F08h
033F 08 inc r0
0340 15 11 dec 11h
0342 12 01 12 lcall 0112h
0345 01 01 ajmp 1h
0347 01 11 ajmp 11h
0349 04 inc a
034A 04 inc a
034B 05 01 inc 01h
034D 15 13 dec 13h
034F 11 11 acall 11h
0351 11 11 acall 11h
0353 01 04 ajmp 4h
0355 11 11 acall 11h
0357 11 0A acall Ah
0359 0A inc r2
035A 08 inc r0
035B 02 03 08 ljmp 0308h
035E 15 11 dec 11h
0360 08 inc r0
0361 0E inc r6
0362 0D inc r5
0363 0E inc r6
0364 16 dec @r0
0365 0E inc r6
0366 02 11 0D ljmp 110Dh
0369 06 inc @r0
036A 0C inc r4
036B 09 inc r1
036C 04 inc a
036D 0B inc r3
036E 0D inc r5
036F 0E inc r6
0370 0F inc r7
0371 16 dec @r0
0372 0D inc r5
0373 0E inc r6
0374 07 inc @r1
0375 11 11 acall 11h
0377 11 11 acall 11h
0379 11 1F acall 1Fh
037B 08 inc r0
037C 04 inc a
037D 02 1F 09 ljmp 1F09h
0380 00 nop
0381 00 nop
0382 00 nop
0383 00 nop
0384 00 nop
0385 00 nop
0386 00 nop
0387 00 nop
0388 00 nop
0389 00 nop
038A 00 nop
038B 00 nop
038C 00 nop
038D 00 nop
038E 00 nop
038F 00 nop
0390 00 nop
0391 00 nop
0392 00 nop
0393 00 nop
0394 00 nop
0395 00 nop
0396 00 nop
0397 00 nop
0398 00 nop
0399 00 nop
039A 00 nop
039B 00 nop
039C 00 nop
039D 00 nop
039E 00 nop
039F 00 nop
03A0 00 nop
03A1 00 nop
03A2 00 nop
03A3 00 nop
03A4 00 nop
03A5 00 nop
03A6 00 nop
03A7 00 nop
03A8 00 nop
03A9 00 nop
03AA 00 nop
03AB 00 nop
03AC 00 nop
03AD 00 nop
03AE 00 nop
03AF 00 nop
03B0 00 nop
03B1 00 nop
03B2 00 nop
03B3 00 nop
03B4 00 nop
03B5 00 nop
03B6 00 nop
03B7 00 nop
03B8 00 nop
03B9 00 nop
03BA 00 nop
03BB 00 nop
03BC 00 nop
03BD 00 nop
03BE 00 nop
03BF 00 nop
03C0 00 nop
03C1 00 nop
03C2 00 nop
03C3 00 nop
03C4 00 nop
03C5 00 nop
03C6 00 nop
03C7 00 nop
03C8 00 nop
03C9 00 nop
03CA 00 nop
03CB 00 nop
03CC 00 nop
03CD 00 nop
03CE 00 nop
03CF 00 nop
03D0 00 nop
03D1 00 nop
03D2 00 nop
03D3 00 nop
03D4 00 nop
03D5 00 nop
03D6 00 nop
03D7 00 nop
03D8 00 nop
03D9 00 nop
03DA 00 nop
03DB 00 nop
03DC 00 nop
03DD 00 nop
03DE 00 nop
03DF 00 nop
03E0 00 nop
03E1 00 nop
03E2 00 nop
03E3 00 nop
03E4 00 nop
03E5 00 nop
03E6 00 nop
03E7 00 nop
03E8 00 nop
03E9 00 nop
03EA 00 nop
03EB 00 nop
03EC 00 nop
03ED 00 nop
03EE 00 nop
03EF 00 nop
03F0 00 nop
03F1 00 nop
03F2 00 nop
03F3 00 nop
03F4 00 nop
03F5 00 nop
03F6 00 nop
03F7 00 nop
03F8 00 nop
03F9 00 nop
03FA 00 nop
03FB 00 nop
03FC 00 nop
03FD 00 nop
03FE 00 nop
03FF 00 nop
0400 00 nop
0401 00 nop
0402 00 nop
0403 00 nop
0404 00 nop
0405 00 nop
0406 00 nop
0407 00 nop
0408 00 nop
0409 00 nop
040A 00 nop
040B 00 nop
040C 00 nop
040D 00 nop
040E 00 nop
040F 00 nop
0410 00 nop
0411 00 nop
0412 00 nop
0413 00 nop
0414 00 nop
0415 00 nop
0416 00 nop
0417 00 nop
0418 00 nop
0419 00 nop
041A 00 nop
041B 00 nop
041C 00 nop
041D 00 nop
041E 00 nop
041F 00 nop
0420 00 nop
0421 04 inc a
0422 00 nop
0423 0A inc r2
0424 0E inc r6
0425 04 inc a
0426 02 00 02 ljmp 0002h
0429 08 inc r0
042A 04 inc a
042B 1F dec r7
042C 00 nop
042D 1F dec r7
042E 00 nop
042F 04 inc a
0430 15 04 dec 04h
0432 08 inc r0
0433 08 inc r0
0434 09 inc r1
0435 10 0F 04 jbc 21h.7, 043Ch
0438 0E inc r6
0439 1E dec r6
043A 00 nop
043B 00 nop
043C 01 00 ajmp 0h
043E 10 04 15 jbc 20h.4, 0456h
0441 11 0E acall Eh
0443 01 12 ajmp 12h
0445 0F inc r7
0446 0F inc r7
0447 01 1F ajmp 1Fh
0449 04 inc a
044A 04 inc a
044B 03 rr a
044C 01 11 ajmp 11h
044E 15 11 dec 11h
0450 0F inc r7
0451 11 0F acall Fh
0453 0E inc r6
0454 04 inc a
0455 11 11 acall 11h
0457 15 04 dec 04h
0459 04 inc a
045A 04 inc a
045B 02 05 08 ljmp 0508h
045E 04 inc a
045F 1F dec r7
0460 00 nop
0461 10 13 01 jbc 22h.3, 0465h
0464 19 dec r1
0465 11 0F acall Fh
0467 11 13 acall 13h
0469 04 inc a
046A 08 inc r0
046B 05 04 inc 04h
046D 15 13 dec 13h
046F 11 11 acall 11h
0471 19 dec r1
0472 13 rrc a
0473 01 02 ajmp 2h
0475 11 11 acall 11h
0477 11 0A acall Ah
0479 11 08 acall 8h
047B 04 inc a
047C 04 inc a
047D 04 inc a
047E 1F dec r7
047F 05 00 inc 00h
0481 00 nop
0482 00 nop
0483 00 nop
0484 00 nop
0485 00 nop
0486 00 nop
0487 00 nop
0488 00 nop
0489 00 nop
048A 00 nop
048B 00 nop
048C 00 nop
048D 00 nop
048E 00 nop
048F 00 nop
0490 00 nop
0491 00 nop
0492 00 nop
0493 00 nop
0494 00 nop
0495 00 nop
0496 00 nop
0497 00 nop
0498 00 nop
0499 00 nop
049A 00 nop
049B 00 nop
049C 00 nop
049D 00 nop
049E 00 nop
049F 00 nop
04A0 00 nop
04A1 00 nop
04A2 00 nop
04A3 00 nop
04A4 00 nop
04A5 00 nop
04A6 00 nop
04A7 00 nop
04A8 00 nop
04A9 00 nop
04AA 00 nop
04AB 00 nop
04AC 00 nop
04AD 00 nop
04AE 00 nop
04AF 00 nop
04B0 00 nop
04B1 00 nop
04B2 00 nop
04B3 00 nop
04B4 00 nop
04B5 00 nop
04B6 00 nop
04B7 00 nop
04B8 00 nop
04B9 00 nop
04BA 00 nop
04BB 00 nop
04BC 00 nop
04BD 00 nop
04BE 00 nop
04BF 00 nop
04C0 00 nop
04C1 00 nop
04C2 00 nop
04C3 00 nop
04C4 00 nop
04C5 00 nop
04C6 00 nop
04C7 00 nop
04C8 00 nop
04C9 00 nop
04CA 00 nop
04CB 00 nop
04CC 00 nop
04CD 00 nop
04CE 00 nop
04CF 00 nop
04D0 00 nop
04D1 00 nop
04D2 00 nop
04D3 00 nop
04D4 00 nop
04D5 00 nop
04D6 00 nop
04D7 00 nop
04D8 00 nop
04D9 00 nop
04DA 00 nop
04DB 00 nop
04DC 00 nop
04DD 00 nop
04DE 00 nop
04DF 00 nop
04E0 00 nop
04E1 00 nop
04E2 00 nop
04E3 00 nop
04E4 00 nop
04E5 00 nop
04E6 00 nop
04E7 00 nop
04E8 00 nop
04E9 00 nop
04EA 00 nop
04EB 00 nop
04EC 00 nop
04ED 00 nop
04EE 00 nop
04EF 00 nop
04F0 00 nop
04F1 00 nop
04F2 00 nop
04F3 00 nop
04F4 00 nop
04F5 00 nop
04F6 00 nop
04F7 00 nop
04F8 00 nop
04F9 00 nop
04FA 00 nop
04FB 00 nop
04FC 00 nop
04FD 00 nop
04FE 00 nop
04FF 00 nop
0500 00 nop
0501 00 nop
0502 00 nop
0503 00 nop
0504 00 nop
0505 00 nop
0506 00 nop
0507 00 nop
0508 00 nop
0509 00 nop
050A 00 nop
050B 00 nop
050C 00 nop
050D 00 nop
050E 00 nop
050F 00 nop
0510 00 nop
0511 00 nop
0512 00 nop
0513 00 nop
0514 00 nop
0515 00 nop
0516 00 nop
0517 00 nop
0518 00 nop
0519 00 nop
051A 00 nop
051B 00 nop
051C 00 nop
051D 00 nop
051E 00 nop
051F 00 nop
0520 00 nop
0521 00 nop
0522 00 nop
0523 1F dec r7
0524 14 dec a
0525 02 15 00 ljmp 1500h
0528 02 08 0E ljmp 080Eh
052B 04 inc a
052C 06 inc @r0
052D 00 nop
052E 00 nop
052F 02 13 04 ljmp 1304h
0532 04 inc a
0533 10 1F 10 jbc 23h.7, 0546h
0536 11 04 acall 4h
0538 11 10 acall 10h
053A 06 inc @r0
053B 06 inc @r0
053C 02 1F 08 ljmp 1F08h
053F 04 inc a
0540 0D inc r5
0541 1F dec r7
0542 12 01 12 lcall 0112h
0545 01 01 ajmp 1h
0547 19 dec r1
0548 11 04 acall 4h
054A 04 inc a
054B 05 01 inc 01h
054D 11 19 acall 19h
054F 11 01 acall 1h
0551 15 05 dec 05h
0553 10 04 11 jbc 20h.4, 0567h
0556 11 15 acall 15h
0558 0A inc r2
0559 04 inc a
055A 02 02 08 ljmp 0208h
055D 08 inc r0
055E 04 inc a
055F 11 00 acall 0h
0561 1E dec r6
0562 11 01 acall 1h
0564 11 1F acall 1Fh
0566 02 1E 11 ljmp 1E11h
0569 04 inc a
056A 08 inc r0
056B 03 rr a
056C 04 inc a
056D 15 11 dec 11h
056F 11 0F acall Fh
0571 1E dec r6
0572 01 0E ajmp Eh
0574 02 11 11 ljmp 1111h
0577 15 04 dec 04h
0579 1E dec r6
057A 04 inc a
057B 08 inc r0
057C 15 02 dec 02h
057E 1F dec r7
057F 03 rr a
0580 00 nop
0581 00 nop
0582 00 nop
0583 00 nop
0584 00 nop
0585 00 nop
0586 00 nop
0587 00 nop
0588 00 nop
0589 00 nop
058A 00 nop
058B 00 nop
058C 00 nop
058D 00 nop
058E 00 nop
058F 00 nop
0590 00 nop
0591 00 nop
0592 00 nop
0593 00 nop
0594 00 nop
0595 00 nop
0596 00 nop
0597 00 nop
0598 00 nop
0599 00 nop
059A 00 nop
059B 00 nop
059C 00 nop
059D 00 nop
059E 00 nop
059F 00 nop
05A0 00 nop
05A1 00 nop
05A2 00 nop
05A3 00 nop
05A4 00 nop
05A5 00 nop
05A6 00 nop
05A7 00 nop
05A8 00 nop
05A9 00 nop
05AA 00 nop
05AB 00 nop
05AC 00 nop
05AD 00 nop
05AE 00 nop
05AF 00 nop
05B0 00 nop
05B1 00 nop
05B2 00 nop
05B3 00 nop
05B4 00 nop
05B5 00 nop
05B6 00 nop
05B7 00 nop
05B8 00 nop
05B9 00 nop
05BA 00 nop
05BB 00 nop
05BC 00 nop
05BD 00 nop
05BE 00 nop
05BF 00 nop
05C0 00 nop
05C1 00 nop
05C2 00 nop
05C3 00 nop
05C4 00 nop
05C5 00 nop
05C6 00 nop
05C7 00 nop
05C8 00 nop
05C9 00 nop
05CA 00 nop
05CB 00 nop
05CC 00 nop
05CD 00 nop
05CE 00 nop
05CF 00 nop
05D0 00 nop
05D1 00 nop
05D2 00 nop
05D3 00 nop
05D4 00 nop
05D5 00 nop
05D6 00 nop
05D7 00 nop
05D8 00 nop
05D9 00 nop
05DA 00 nop
05DB 00 nop
05DC 00 nop
05DD 00 nop
05DE 00 nop
05DF 00 nop
05E0 00 nop
05E1 00 nop
05E2 00 nop
05E3 00 nop
05E4 00 nop
05E5 00 nop
05E6 00 nop
05E7 00 nop
05E8 00 nop
05E9 00 nop
05EA 00 nop
05EB 00 nop
05EC 00 nop
05ED 00 nop
05EE 00 nop
05EF 00 nop
05F0 00 nop
05F1 00 nop
05F2 00 nop
05F3 00 nop
05F4 00 nop
05F5 00 nop
05F6 00 nop
05F7 00 nop
05F8 00 nop
05F9 00 nop
05FA 00 nop
05FB 00 nop
05FC 00 nop
05FD 00 nop
05FE 00 nop
05FF 00 nop
0600 00 nop
0601 00 nop
0602 00 nop
0603 00 nop
0604 00 nop
0605 00 nop
0606 00 nop
0607 00 nop
0608 00 nop
0609 00 nop
060A 00 nop
060B 00 nop
060C 00 nop
060D 00 nop
060E 00 nop
060F 00 nop
0610 00 nop
0611 00 nop
0612 00 nop
0613 00 nop
0614 00 nop
0615 00 nop
0616 00 nop
0617 00 nop
0618 00 nop
0619 00 nop
061A 00 nop
061B 00 nop
061C 00 nop
061D 00 nop
061E 00 nop
061F 00 nop
0620 00 nop
0621 04 inc a
0622 00 nop
0623 0A inc r2
0624 0F inc r7
0625 19 dec r1
0626 09 inc r1
0627 00 nop
0628 04 inc a
0629 04 inc a
062A 15 04 dec 04h
062C 06 inc @r0
062D 00 nop
062E 06 inc @r0
062F 01 11 ajmp 11h
0631 04 inc a
0632 02 11 08 ljmp 1108h
0635 11 11 acall 11h
0637 04 inc a
0638 11 08 acall 8h
063A 06 inc @r0
063B 06 inc @r0
063C 04 inc a
063D 00 nop
063E 04 inc a
063F 00 nop
0640 01 11 ajmp 11h
0642 12 11 12 lcall 1112h
0645 01 01 ajmp 1h
0647 11 11 acall 11h
0649 04 inc a
064A 05 09 inc 09h
064C 01 11 ajmp 11h
064E 11 11 acall 11h
0650 01 09 ajmp 9h
0652 09 inc r1
0653 11 04 acall 4h
0655 11 0A acall Ah
0657 15 11 dec 11h
0659 04 inc a
065A 01 02 ajmp 2h
065C 10 08 04 jbc 21h.0, 0663h
065F 0E inc r6
0660 00 nop
0661 11 11 acall 11h
0663 11 11 acall 11h
0665 01 02 ajmp 2h
0667 10 11 04 jbc 22h.1, 066Eh
066A 09 inc r1
066B 05 04 inc 04h
066D 15 11 dec 11h
066F 11 01 acall 1h
0671 10 01 10 jbc 20h.1, 0684h
0674 12 19 0A lcall 190Ah
0677 15 0A dec 0Ah
0679 10 02 08 jbc 20h.2, 0684h
067C 0E inc r6
067D 02 1F 0F ljmp 1F0Fh
0680 00 nop
0681 00 nop
0682 00 nop
0683 00 nop
0684 00 nop
0685 00 nop
0686 00 nop
0687 00 nop
0688 00 nop
0689 00 nop
068A 00 nop
068B 00 nop
068C 00 nop
068D 00 nop
068E 00 nop
068F 00 nop
0690 00 nop
0691 00 nop
0692 00 nop
0693 00 nop
0694 00 nop
0695 00 nop
0696 00 nop
0697 00 nop
0698 00 nop
0699 00 nop
069A 00 nop
069B 00 nop
069C 00 nop
069D 00 nop
069E 00 nop
069F 00 nop
06A0 00 nop
06A1 00 nop
06A2 00 nop
06A3 00 nop
06A4 00 nop
06A5 00 nop
06A6 00 nop
06A7 00 nop
06A8 00 nop
06A9 00 nop
06AA 00 nop
06AB 00 nop
06AC 00 nop
06AD 00 nop
06AE 00 nop
06AF 00 nop
06B0 00 nop
06B1 00 nop
06B2 00 nop
06B3 00 nop
06B4 00 nop
06B5 00 nop
06B6 00 nop
06B7 00 nop
06B8 00 nop
06B9 00 nop
06BA 00 nop
06BB 00 nop
06BC 00 nop
06BD 00 nop
06BE 00 nop
06BF 00 nop
06C0 00 nop
06C1 00 nop
06C2 00 nop
06C3 00 nop
06C4 00 nop
06C5 00 nop
06C6 00 nop
06C7 00 nop
06C8 00 nop
06C9 00 nop
06CA 00 nop
06CB 00 nop
06CC 00 nop
06CD 00 nop
06CE 00 nop
06CF 00 nop
06D0 00 nop
06D1 00 nop
06D2 00 nop
06D3 00 nop
06D4 00 nop
06D5 00 nop
06D6 00 nop
06D7 00 nop
06D8 00 nop
06D9 00 nop
06DA 00 nop
06DB 00 nop
06DC 00 nop
06DD 00 nop
06DE 00 nop
06DF 00 nop
06E0 00 nop
06E1 00 nop
06E2 00 nop
06E3 00 nop
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06E6 00 nop
06E7 00 nop
06E8 00 nop
06E9 00 nop
06EA 00 nop
06EB 00 nop
06EC 00 nop
06ED 00 nop
06EE 00 nop
06EF 00 nop
06F0 00 nop
06F1 00 nop
06F2 00 nop
06F3 00 nop
06F4 00 nop
06F5 00 nop
06F6 00 nop
06F7 00 nop
06F8 00 nop
06F9 00 nop
06FA 00 nop
06FB 00 nop
06FC 00 nop
06FD 00 nop
06FE 00 nop
06FF 00 nop
0700 00 nop
0701 00 nop
0702 00 nop
0703 00 nop
0704 00 nop
0705 00 nop
0706 00 nop
0707 00 nop
0708 00 nop
0709 00 nop
070A 00 nop
070B 00 nop
070C 00 nop
070D 00 nop
070E 00 nop
070F 00 nop
0710 00 nop
0711 00 nop
0712 00 nop
0713 00 nop
0714 00 nop
0715 00 nop
0716 00 nop
0717 00 nop
0718 00 nop
0719 00 nop
071A 00 nop
071B 00 nop
071C 00 nop
071D 00 nop
071E 00 nop
071F 00 nop
0720 00 nop
0721 04 inc a
0722 00 nop
0723 00 nop
0724 04 inc a
0725 18 dec r0
0726 16 dec @r0
0727 00 nop
0728 08 inc r0
0729 02 00 00 ljmp 0000h
072C 01 00 ajmp 0h
072E 06 inc @r0
072F 00 nop
0730 0E inc r6
0731 0E inc r6
0732 1F dec r7
0733 0E inc r6
0734 08 inc r0
0735 0E inc r6
0736 0E inc r6
0737 04 inc a
0738 0E inc r6
0739 06 inc @r0
073A 00 nop
073B 01 08 ajmp 8h
073D 00 nop
073E 02 04 1E ljmp 041Eh
0741 11 0F acall Fh
0743 0E inc r6
0744 0F inc r7
0745 1F dec r7
0746 01 0E ajmp Eh
0748 11 0E acall Eh
074A 02 11 1F ljmp 111Fh
074D 11 11 acall 11h
074F 0E inc r6
0750 01 16 ajmp 16h
0752 11 0E acall Eh
0754 04 inc a
0755 0E inc r6
0756 04 inc a
0757 0A inc r2
0758 11 04 acall 4h
075A 1F dec r7
075B 0E inc r6
075C 00 nop
075D 0E inc r6
075E 04 inc a
075F 00 nop
0760 00 nop
0761 1E dec r6
0762 0F inc r7
0763 0E inc r6
0764 1E dec r6
0765 0E inc r6
0766 02 0E 11 ljmp 0E11h
0769 0E inc r6
076A 06 inc @r0
076B 09 inc r1
076C 0E inc r6
076D 15 11 dec 11h
076F 0E inc r6
0770 01 10 ajmp 10h
0772 01 0F ajmp Fh
0774 0C inc r4
0775 16 dec @r0
0776 04 inc a
0777 0A inc r2
0778 11 0E acall Eh
077A 1F dec r7
077B 10 04 01 jbc 20h.4, 077Fh
077E 1F dec r7
077F 00 nop
0780 00 nop
0781 00 nop
0782 00 nop
0783 00 nop
0784 00 nop
0785 00 nop
0786 00 nop
0787 00 nop
0788 00 nop
0789 00 nop
078A 00 nop
078B 00 nop
078C 00 nop
078D 00 nop
078E 00 nop
078F 00 nop
0790 00 nop
0791 00 nop
0792 00 nop
0793 00 nop
0794 00 nop
0795 00 nop
0796 00 nop
0797 00 nop
0798 00 nop
0799 00 nop
079A 00 nop
079B 00 nop
079C 00 nop
079D 00 nop
079E 00 nop
079F 00 nop
07A0 00 nop
07A1 00 nop
07A2 00 nop
07A3 00 nop
07A4 00 nop
07A5 00 nop
07A6 00 nop
07A7 00 nop
07A8 00 nop
07A9 00 nop
07AA 00 nop
07AB 00 nop
07AC 00 nop
07AD 00 nop
07AE 00 nop
07AF 00 nop
07B0 00 nop
07B1 00 nop
07B2 00 nop
07B3 00 nop
07B4 00 nop
07B5 00 nop
07B6 00 nop
07B7 00 nop
07B8 00 nop
07B9 00 nop
07BA 00 nop
07BB 00 nop
07BC 00 nop
07BD 00 nop
07BE 00 nop
07BF 00 nop
07C0 00 nop
07C1 00 nop
07C2 00 nop
07C3 00 nop
07C4 00 nop
07C5 00 nop
07C6 00 nop
07C7 00 nop
07C8 00 nop
07C9 00 nop
07CA 00 nop
07CB 00 nop
07CC 00 nop
07CD 00 nop
07CE 00 nop
07CF 00 nop
07D0 00 nop
07D1 00 nop
07D2 00 nop
07D3 00 nop
07D4 00 nop
07D5 00 nop
07D6 00 nop
07D7 00 nop
07D8 00 nop
07D9 00 nop
07DA 00 nop
07DB 00 nop
07DC 00 nop
07DD 00 nop
07DE 00 nop
07DF 00 nop
07E0 00 nop
07E1 00 nop
07E2 00 nop
07E3 00 nop
07E4 00 nop
07E5 00 nop
07E6 00 nop
07E7 00 nop
07E8 00 nop
07E9 00 nop
07EA 00 nop
07EB 00 nop
07EC 00 nop
07ED 00 nop
07EE 00 nop
07EF 00 nop
07F0 00 nop
07F1 00 nop
07F2 00 nop
07F3 00 nop
07F4 00 nop
07F5 00 nop
07F6 00 nop
07F7 00 nop
07F8 00 nop
07F9 00 nop
07FA 00 nop
07FB 00 nop
07FC 00 nop
07FD 00 nop
07FE 00 nop
07FF 00 nop
0800 75 19 00 mov 19h, #00h ; 0d
0803 75 1A 80 mov 1Ah, #80h ; 128d = '€'
0806 75 89 22 mov TMOD, #22h ; 34d = '"'
0809 75 8C 00 mov TH0, #00h ; 0d
080C 75 8D F4 mov TH1, #F4h ; 244d = 'ô'
080F 75 88 50 mov TCON, #50h ; 80d = 'P'
0812 75 98 70 mov SCON, #70h ; 112d = 'p'
0815 75 A8 90 mov IE, #90h ; 144d = 'Â'
0818 D2 BC setb PS
081A 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
081D 75 20 50 mov 20h, #50h ; 80d = 'P'
0820 7A 00 mov r2, #00h ; 0d
0822 11 FA acall 8FAh
0824 7A FF mov r2, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
0826 11 FA acall 8FAh
0828 7A 55 mov r2, #55h ; 85d = 'U'
082A 11 FA acall 8FAh
082C 7A AA mov r2, #AAh ; 170d = 'ª'
082E 11 FA acall 8FAh
0830 90 00 00 mov dptr, #0000h
0833 74 52 mov a, #52h ; 82d = 'R'
0835 F0 movx @dptr, a
0836 05 82 inc DPL
0838 74 54 mov a, #54h ; 84d = 'T'
083A F0 movx @dptr, a
083B 05 82 inc DPL
083D E5 20 mov a, 20h
083F F0 movx @dptr, a
0840 05 82 inc DPL
0842 74 FF mov a, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
0844 F0 movx @dptr, a
0845 75 20 02 mov 20h, #02h ; 2d
0848 31 0D acall 90Dh
084A 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
084C 7B 01 mov r3, #01h ; 1d
084E 30 01 09 jnb 20h.1, 085Ah
0851 11 8C acall 88Ch
0853 0B inc r3
0854 11 6C acall 86Ch
0856 DA F6 djnz r2, 084Eh
0858 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
085A 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
085D 11 F5 acall 8F5h
085F 11 6C acall 86Ch
0861 12 08 F5 lcall 08F5h
0864 DA F4 djnz r2, 085Ah
0866 20 01 E1 jb 20h.1, 084Ah
0869 80 ED sjmp 0858h
086B 22 ret
086C 8A 83 mov DPH, r2
086E 78 13 mov r0, #13h ; 19d
0870 75 82 00 mov DPL, #00h ; 0d
0873 74 00 mov a, #00h ; 0d
0875 F5 90 mov P1, a
0877 75 2F 80 mov 2Fh, #80h ; 128d = '€'
087A 43 A0 80 orl P2, #80h ; 128d = '€'
087D E0 movx a, @dptr
087E F2 movx @r0, a
087F 05 82 inc DPL
0881 D8 F4 djnz r0, 0877h
0883 E0 movx a, @dptr
0884 F2 movx @r0, a
0885 E5 83 mov a, DPH
0887 F5 2E mov 2Eh, a
0889 F5 90 mov P1, a
088B 22 ret
088C 8A 2F mov 2Fh, r2
088E 8A A0 mov P2, r2
0890 75 26 80 mov 26h, #80h ; 128d = '€'
0893 75 27 00 mov 27h, #00h ; 0d
0896 78 2A mov r0, #2Ah ; 42d = '*'
0898 79 14 mov r1, #14h ; 20d
089A 11 C1 acall 8C1h
089C C6 xch a, @r0
089D 85 2E 90 mov P1, 2Eh
08A0 11 BA acall 8BAh
08A2 13 rrc a
08A3 92 56 mov 2Ah.6, c
08A5 13 rrc a
08A6 92 57 mov 2Ah.7, c
08A8 54 0F anl a, #0Fh ; 15d
08AA C6 xch a, @r0
08AB 11 BA acall 8BAh
08AD C4 swap a
08AE D6 xchd a, @r0
08AF 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
08B2 11 BA acall 8BAh
08B4 23 rl a
08B5 23 rl a
08B6 46 orl a, @r0
08B7 F6 mov @r0, a
08B8 80 E0 sjmp 089Ah
08BA F3 movx @r1, a
08BB D9 04 djnz r1, 08C1h
08BD E6 mov a, @r0
08BE F3 movx @r1, a
08BF 80 10 sjmp 08D1h
08C1 85 27 83 mov DPH, 27h
08C4 85 26 82 mov DPL, 26h
08C7 E0 movx a, @dptr
08C8 30 E7 0B jnb ACC.7, 08D6h
08CB E6 mov a, @r0
08CC F3 movx @r1, a
08CD E4 clr a
08CE D9 FC djnz r1, 08CCh
08D0 F3 movx @r1, a
08D1 15 81 dec SP
08D3 15 81 dec SP
08D5 22 ret
08D6 F5 82 mov DPL, a
08D8 8B 83 mov DPH, r3
08DA 05 26 inc 26h
08DC E5 26 mov a, 26h
08DE E4 clr a
08DF 93 movc a, @a+dptr
08E0 54 3F anl a, #3Fh ; 63d = '?'
08E2 22 ret
08E3 85 2B 8C mov TH0, 2Bh
08E6 E4 clr a
08E7 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
08E9 8A 2F mov 2Fh, r2
08EB 8A A0 mov P2, r2
08ED 79 00 mov r1, #00h ; 0d
08EF F3 movx @r1, a
08F0 D9 FD djnz r1, 08EFh
08F2 DA F5 djnz r2, 08E9h
08F4 22 ret
08F5 7E 00 mov r6, #00h ; 0d
08F7 DE FE djnz r6, 08F7h ; Hier
08F9 22 ret
08FA 90 00 00 mov dptr, #0000h
08FD EA mov a, r2
08FE F0 movx @dptr, a
08FF E0 movx a, @dptr
0900 6A xrl a, r2
0901 60 03 jz 0906h
0903 75 20 46 mov 20h, #46h ; 70d = 'F'
0906 A3 inc dptr
0907 E5 83 mov a, DPH
0909 B4 04 F1 cjne a, #04h, 08FDh ; 4d
090C 22 ret
090D 75 2F 00 mov 2Fh, #00h ; 0d
0910 75 A0 00 mov P2, #00h ; 0d
0913 E4 clr a
0914 F8 mov r0, a
0915 79 10 mov r1, #10h ; 16d
0917 F2 movx @r0, a
0918 14 dec a
0919 54 7F anl a, #7Fh ; 127d = ''
091B 18 dec r0
091C C9 xch a, r1
091D F2 movx @r0, a
091E C9 xch a, r1
091F D8 F6 djnz r0, 0917h
0921 90 0F FF mov dptr, #0FFFh
0924 74 FF mov a, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
0926 F0 movx @dptr, a
0927 A3 inc dptr
0928 B5 82 FB cjne a, DPL, 0926h
092B 90 00 00 mov dptr, #0000h
092E E4 clr a
092F F0 movx @dptr, a
0930 A3 inc dptr
0931 E5 83 mov a, DPH
0933 30 E3 F8 jnb ACC.3, 092Eh
0936 90 00 80 mov dptr, #0080h
0939 75 A0 00 mov P2, #00h ; 0d
093C 78 80 mov r0, #80h ; 128d = '€'
093E 7A 1A mov r2, #1Ah ; 26d
0940 E8 mov a, r0
0941 93 movc a, @a+dptr
0942 F2 movx @r0, a
0943 08 inc r0
0944 DA FA djnz r2, 0940h
0946 74 FF mov a, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
0948 F2 movx @r0, a
0949 D2 01 setb 20h.1
094B 22 ret
094C 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
094F 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
0951 78 00 mov r0, #00h ; 0d
0953 74 55 mov a, #55h ; 85d = 'U'
0955 12 09 92 lcall 0992h
0958 F4 cpl a
0959 DA FA djnz r2, 0955h
095B 12 09 98 lcall 0998h
095E 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
0961 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
0963 74 AA mov a, #AAh ; 170d = 'ª'
0965 12 09 92 lcall 0992h
0968 F4 cpl a
0969 DA FA djnz r2, 0965h
096B 12 09 98 lcall 0998h
096E 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
0971 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
0973 74 FF mov a, #FFh ; 255d = 'ÿ'
0975 12 09 92 lcall 0992h
0978 DA FB djnz r2, 0975h
097A 12 09 98 lcall 0998h
097D 7D 20 mov r5, #20h ; 32d
097F 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
0982 7A 00 mov r2, #00h ; 0d
0984 ED mov a, r5
0985 12 09 92 lcall 0992h
0988 12 09 AA lcall 09AAh
098B 0D inc r5
098C ED mov a, r5
098D 30 E7 F5 jnb ACC.7, 0985h
0990 80 BA sjmp 094Ch
0992 8A A0 mov P2, r2
0994 F2 movx @r0, a
0995 D8 FD djnz r0, 0994h
0997 22 ret
0998 7C 00 mov r4, #00h ; 0d
099A 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
099C 75 90 00 mov P1, #00h ; 0d
099F 11 F5 acall 8F5h
09A1 11 6C acall 86Ch
09A3 11 F5 acall 8F5h
09A5 DA F5 djnz r2, 099Ch
09A7 DC F1 djnz r4, 099Ah
09A9 22 ret
09AA 7C 80 mov r4, #80h ; 128d = '€'
09AC 7A 07 mov r2, #07h ; 7d
09AE 7B 01 mov r3, #01h ; 1d
09B0 11 8C acall 88Ch
09B2 0B inc r3
09B3 11 6C acall 86Ch
09B5 DA F9 djnz r2, 09B0h
09B7 DC F3 djnz r4, 09ACh
09B9 22 ret
09BA 00
1FFF 00

David L. Jones


Well, got the contents of one of the EPROMs dumped....and have run it
through a disassembler called "MCS51" - selecting the 8031 as the processor.

All dumps are the same except for the serial number of the sign which is
coded in line #103h and #104h

I have left out the code from #09BA - #1FFF as it is all blank/unused.

Is anyone able to suggest where I might find the serial port communication
protocol? I have programmed the 6809 a long time ago, and a bit of 8051 -
but VERY rusty.

Thanks in advance for any help!
*snip code*

That isn't a lot of code, so my guess would be that there is no ASCII
or other fancy decoding built in, and the 8031 is a simply a "dumb"
controller that downloads a memory image from the serial port and then
scrolls it (or whatever). In this case you'll have to write your own
PC application to control it.
But that's just a guess of course.
Good luck decoding it.


Andy Wood

princo coasters said:

Well, got the contents of one of the EPROMs dumped....and have run it
through a disassembler called "MCS51" - selecting the 8031 as the processor.

All dumps are the same except for the serial number of the sign which is
coded in line #103h and #104h

I have left out the code from #09BA - #1FFF as it is all blank/unused.

Is anyone able to suggest where I might find the serial port communication

I've never programmed a 8031 or any of its relatives, but after a
quick consultation with Mr G, I would guess it is at location 003B
(reference to SBUF, aka SFR 99 = Serial Data Buffer).

Could that be some 'command' decoding just beyond that?

Andy Wood
[email protected]

princo coasters

Yes, David, you are right......

There doesn't appear to be any "smarts" within the EPROM itself, and the
messages are all sent serially via the software I linked to in the original

My problem is that the software fro the PC references the sign as "Sign
One" - "Sign Ten" or "Broadcast Transmit" - which sends out a message to all
signs in the list.
I think this sign has been named something non-standard, and/or it is not
controlled by 9600 buad, no parity, 1 stop, no h/s........but I have tried
many, many other combos.

Is there a way to work out what the EPROM is waiting to hear from the PC?

#003Bh certainly looks like it is addressing some form of comms, and there
are many references to port a and b in there.

Regards, and thanks to all for your input!

princo coasters

princo coasters said:
Yes, David, you are right......

There doesn't appear to be any "smarts" within the EPROM itself, and the
messages are all sent serially via the software I linked to in the
original post.

My problem is that the software fro the PC references the sign as "Sign
One" - "Sign Ten" or "Broadcast Transmit" - which sends out a message to
all signs in the list.
I think this sign has been named something non-standard, and/or it is not
controlled by 9600 buad, no parity, 1 stop, no h/s........but I have tried
many, many other combos.

Is there a way to work out what the EPROM is waiting to hear from the PC?

#003Bh certainly looks like it is addressing some form of comms, and there
are many references to port a and b in there.

Regards, and thanks to all for your input!

Sorry, I meant references to REGISTER a and REGISTER b, not port a/b

Lord Garth

princo coasters said:

You are sending TTL level 0 to 5V serial data aren't you? The on-chip
serial port does not send +12V to -12V signals.

I haven't read anything where you detail this bit of info.

princo coasters

G'day Lord Darth.....

In the original post, I have made comment that the controller for the sign
uses a TC232CPE level converter - it does the rs232 - TTL level conversion
and then that output goes to the 8031 processor.

There is only a serial INPUT, no output back to the PC at all - The sign is
just acting as a slave being driven by the software on the PC.

I have confirmed that the level converter IC is working..... -10 or so volts
from the PC gives 4.97V at the output of the IC, and +10 or so volts from
the PC gives close enough to 0V at the output of the IC.

I'm going to hookup a null modem cable between 2 PC's and use something like
HYPER TERMINAL to see exactly what the software is outputting over the
serial port so that I can look for that in the EPROM code.

There must be a command/commands that the sign is waiting for and not
receiving (so as to initialise it and open comms), as it just sits there
displaying the serial number "000618" which is coded into the EPROM.
