Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Led lighthouse

I need code that will act similar to this light
And would also like to know what function do i use to turn off that code lineary when swich comes on ,in about half second
Ok,so i got it running and the code seams litle to linear how can i upgtade code for somethimg more exponential light curve,so the light would seam more natural,the only thing that looks live in this code is peak ,that gives it a litle life,but i want light to keep brightness level different at different level of brightness.
Ok so i have a problem, when i connect mosfet led and adruino,the led wont start unles i tap the gate of mosfet with finger.
I tried warious values of resiator between gate and source,but no help to start code ,led only freezes in secound i tap,and stays in that lightning level,
Doni need transistor or what
A fet has a very high input inpedance and the gate voltage will stay where it is put if not connected to anything else.

Does the output of the arduino provide sufficient voltage to switch the fet?
The arduino (never used one) will not give out 9V, it will be run from 3.3V or 5V. 5V is necessary to turn on the irl520 logic level fet. A low value resistor from gate to source will reduce the drive voltage.