Maker Pro
Maker Pro

led heartbeat

hi all
i need from help .
I want build simple led light circuit - something like this

and if his circuit to change the frequency .

Thank you in advance.
I'm looking for a scheme that turns on and off with this LED effect - compared with conventional multivibrator 555.
When I use the red Power LED and Built-in plastic heart - the effect will be great :)
I'm looking for a scheme that turns on and off with this LED effect - compared with conventional multivibrator 555.
When I use the red Power LED and Built-in plastic heart - the effect will be great :)
Did you bother taking 5 minutes to follow the link provided by Steve to Kris' design? Probably not based on this response...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Beware that the circuit you've shown us has unused inputs of the 4017 left floating.

This is poor practice and you should tie them somewhere. Check the datasheet and tie reset to wherever DOESN'T reset the chip, and enable to wherever it DOES enable the outputs.
Beware that the circuit you've shown us has unused inputs of the 4017 left floating.

This is poor practice and you should tie them somewhere. Check the datasheet and tie reset to wherever DOESN'T reset the chip, and enable to wherever it DOES enable the outputs.

On that note there are also other problems with pin 13 and 15 left floating (noted above), as shown you will not get reliable results, it's really a roll of the dice on what it will or won't do with any particular start up...
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

It may be better if you could diffuse the light from the LEDs a little more, but unless you're looking directly at them, the effect seems nice.
a 3rd option is to use a micro controller.

it would be only a few lines long and only a very basic chip would be required to do a heart beat effect and a whole lot more..... (eg, attiny85 or a PIC)
The circuit refered to in #14

The 4017 has its outputs almost shorted to ground. This may be too much for it. Put a 1k resistor in the outputs to limit the current.

A capacitor across the power supply would not be disadvatageous.
That heart beat one seems to be a very wasteful circuit

Sorry I forgot to show the version of the scheme.
The picture that comment - scheme gives errors and does not work.
After using a diodes and capacitor in parallel with the LED bar = scheme is working not even stop for a whole day.

in the first video I did not use a capacitor.
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