Probably a silly question but you got to start somewhere. I'm stuck adding more power to my circuit.
At the moment I've managed to power 3 LED lights in series with a 9v battery. If I try to power a 4th LED, I don't have enough current to power all 4 of them. This is where I'm stuck. What's the best way to provide my circuit with more power? I know how to calculate all the necessary information using ohms law, but don't know how to physically set up a second battery, or if there's a better way of adding power. I'd love to power more than 3 LEDs
Also, what's safest voltage to work with while learning?
Thanks all!
At the moment I've managed to power 3 LED lights in series with a 9v battery. If I try to power a 4th LED, I don't have enough current to power all 4 of them. This is where I'm stuck. What's the best way to provide my circuit with more power? I know how to calculate all the necessary information using ohms law, but don't know how to physically set up a second battery, or if there's a better way of adding power. I'd love to power more than 3 LEDs
Also, what's safest voltage to work with while learning?
Thanks all!