Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCDs Normally White vs Normally Black

TFTs have two modes, Normally white and Normally black.

the attached data sheet is a normally black.

What does that mean? what is the difference? What are the advantages?

thank you


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What does that mean?

Do you really need that answered?

what is the difference?
First you tell us the difference, then you ask us what it is!?!?!?

What are the advantages?
mostly aesthetics.

edit: You need to look at how a TFT display works (actually any LCD display is fine) and consider the relationship between the direction of polarization for the filter controlling the light entering the display and that of the one controlling the light exiting the display.
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For many LCD displays if you remove the polarizing filter from the front of the display, flip it over and reinstall it, it'll change from normally white to normally black and vice versa.