Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCD replacement display for old spectrum analyzer : anyone interested ?


Robert Lacoste

Hi guys,

I've developed for my own use a small LCD display to replace the analog
display found on old spectrum analyzers. Basically it is a X/Y digital
plotter, connected on the external X and Y outputs of the analyzer, and
plotting the curve on a 320x240 pixel display, with selectable modes
(sample/max peak/min-max peak) and a hardcopy RS232 port. I just published
this design in the last edition of the Circuit Cellar magazine (september
03), and got a couple of emails from guys wanting to buy or build it.
Unfortunatly the Epson display I used is no longer available (crazy LCD
business...), and some improvements will be needed on the design to use it
in anything else than my own equipment.

So the question : Do you think there is a significant market for such a
product ? Perhaps proposed as a kit, or even a partial kit
(PCB+display+programmer microcontroller) ? Would you be personnaly
interested ?

If I get enough answers then I will seriously work on it ;+) !


Charles Schuler

Robert Lacoste said:
Hi guys,

I've developed for my own use a small LCD display to replace the analog
display found on old spectrum analyzers. Basically it is a X/Y digital
plotter, connected on the external X and Y outputs of the analyzer, and
plotting the curve on a 320x240 pixel display, with selectable modes
(sample/max peak/min-max peak) and a hardcopy RS232 port. I just published
this design in the last edition of the Circuit Cellar magazine (september
03), and got a couple of emails from guys wanting to buy or build it.
Unfortunatly the Epson display I used is no longer available (crazy LCD
business...), and some improvements will be needed on the design to use it
in anything else than my own equipment.

So the question : Do you think there is a significant market for such a
product ? Perhaps proposed as a kit, or even a partial kit
(PCB+display+programmer microcontroller) ? Would you be personnaly
interested ?

What is your estimate regarding the cost of such a kit? Do you plan to
offer the same resolution (320 x 240)? How flexible will it be ... lend
itself to almost any X/Y application? I suppose color is out of the

Jack Smith

Display cost is around $100, kit (PCB+display+microprocessor only) should be
in the $250 range

Yes, seems enough...

Every X/Y application where the X varies slowly enough (down to 50ms per X/Y


Thanks for your inputs...
Interesting project. I, like many other hobby-types have several
pieces of CRT-based HP gear--8754A network analyzer, 8558B spectrum
analyzer, 8557B spectrum analyzer to identify three--that have the XY
recorder output you identify.

Although the LCD panel would be an interesting addition, and I can see
that it would be a lot cheaper than finding a new CRT, it would
interest me a lot more if it had some provision for outputting the

You already have to do some sort of A/D to get the XY info, and I
assume you would also look at the pen lift output to synch the trace.
Suppose you also outputted the (X,Y) pairs via a RS232 port. Shouldn't
add much to either the hardware of software and would be handy to

Not in the realm of easy, of course, would be the ability to write a
TIFF or JPG file or print the result from the LCD module. But, if it
can be gotten into the computer through the RS-232, those tasks can be
accomplished without complicating the LCD panel.

And, of course, this function could be done without the LCD; all you
really need is a PIC with a 3-input ADC. But if you are going to the
trouble to build the graphic module, why not tack on the RS232 data
dump as well? And besides, I don't know when I will have enough time
to get around to the PIC solution.


Robert Lacoste

Thanks for these inputs, I effectively have an RS232 dump port, I just need
to develop the PC side software to convert the bitstream to a bitmap file...
