Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCD Question Pannel Link controler To DVI Possible??


Mike Kennedy

I have a Hyundai HT15X11-100 LCD pannel out of an IBM Netvista.. It has a
controler daughterboard on it which has a silicon image panel link chip on
it, its a SIL151CT100.. I found the pinout for a similar chip the SIL151A
and hope to pin it out using my ohm meter.. But if someone else knows the
pinout already this might be easier, or if you know pannel link is not
compatible with dvi..

From what I have read Panel Link and DVI are practly the same thing.. Panel
Link just lacks the analog pins which dvi has.

Any Ideas anybody?

- Mike Kennedy

Mike Kennedy

Mike Kennedy said:
I have a Hyundai HT15X11-100 LCD pannel out of an IBM Netvista.. It has a
controler daughterboard on it which has a silicon image panel link chip on
it, its a SIL151CT100.. I found the pinout for a similar chip the SIL151A
and hope to pin it out using my ohm meter.. But if someone else knows the
pinout already this might be easier, or if you know pannel link is not
compatible with dvi..

From what I have read Panel Link and DVI are practly the same thing.. Panel
Link just lacks the analog pins which dvi has.

Any Ideas anybody?

- Mike Kennedy