Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCD Display Driver

Hello all. First post here.
I have been playing with this custom LCD display. The driver chip on it is the OKI MSM9004-02, data sheet is here . This is pretty much my first venture with this kind of project. I tried to control it with an Arduino with some limited success, just can't seem to figure out what bits to send and when :)
Even made a rig to send bits "by hand" using some momentary switches, but the results are pretty much the same. For example, when I send 11000111 when the display is first powered up, I get 8 segments illuminated on the right side of the display. When I keep sending the same exact combination of bits, different segments illuminate in sequence from right to left. Is this what is supposed to happen? Am I doing something wrong? If anyone has any hints they will be greatly appreciated. I'm also attaching a picture of the display with all segments illuminated (I think it actually means they are all off since it's inverted).
The chip seems to be set up for 1/3 duty (pin 54 is connected to Vdd line).

Thanks for any help.


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