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I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.


Barny said:
I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.

You might want to look at something like:

Also, you can use programs like Mathematica or Maple V and create postscript
(or eps) files or jpgs/gifs and the like.

Depends what are you are doing I suppose.

Some tips:

Tyler Neylon

Barny said:
I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.

I don't know if LaTeX comes with a built-in spell-checker, but
you should definitely try to use one. (If English is not
your first language, then I apologize for the implied insult.)

As for graphs, there are standard packages which help,
such as "graphicx".

The usual idea is to create a .eps graphics file and then
use the \includegraphics command at the right spot in your
..tex file. If you have an old X windowing system, you can
use the program xfig to create simple line-drawings, but
this application is really out of date. Much more powerful
is Adobe Photoshop or Jasc Paint Shop Pro. I think that some
good math programs are also capable of exporting into the
..eps format.

Anyway, there are some good details on this page:


José Carlos Santos

Barny said:
I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.

See the UK TeX-FAQ:

BTW, the best newsgroup to post LaTeX questions at is comp.text.tex.

Best regards,

Jose Carlos Santos

Greg Neill

Barny said:
I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.

You might take a look at gnuplot.


If you use windows the best application to plot and analyze equation is
Origin. Look for it with Google.

Western Larch

Barny said:
I use LATEX for creating good texts containing a lot of maths formulas. Now
I am doing some research about signal analisys and have to put some graphs.
What programms do you recomend for function drowing and analisys and than
inetgrating it wit Latex or may be something else. tia.

There are a lot of ways to approach this but
here is one combination that will work.

1. Use Octave to make the plots: e.g.
x = sort(randn(100,1));
y = x .^2 + 5;
%% repeat as needed to get a plot you like, then:
gset terminal postscript
gset output ''

Octave is a free, Matlab-like numerical computing environment.

2. Use graphicx package in LaTeX:

See Figure~\ref{myplot} for an example of a plot.
\caption{\label{myplot}My plot. How nice!}

Then: latex mydoc.tex; dvips mydoc -o

I recommend Postscript instead of encapsulated Postscript --
EPS is essentially a bitmap format and it doesn't scale well.

In \includegraphics, you can theoretically put any Postscript
file. However, my experience (painful at times) has been that
some packages produce PS files that work OK and some don't.
You'll have to experiment to find out.

--Western Larch

James Buddenhagen

I recommend Postscript instead of encapsulated Postscript --
EPS is essentially a bitmap format and it doesn't scale well.

EPS is NOT a bitmap format. It is postscript with special
comments to be interpreted by the program reading it. It may
(but need not) have a small bitmapped preview. An EPS file describes
a single page or figure, normally to be incorporated into larger
document. For some more descriptive info see:


Jim Buddenhagen

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