Maker Pro
Maker Pro


I'm trying to do some research on getting a laser (pointer like thingy) to
show up on an LCD and/or Plasma screen. Any ideas for a place to go to get
the low-down on the problem? I'd rather stick with red (650nm) for power
reasons but it looks like green (532nm) is a bit better, here. A good source
for laser modules would also be appreciated.

Naomi Price

I'm trying to do some research on getting a laser (pointer like thingy) to
show up on an LCD and/or Plasma screen. Any ideas for a place to go to get
the low-down on the problem? I'd rather stick with red (650nm) for power
reasons but it looks like green (532nm) is a bit better, here. A good source
for laser modules would also be appreciated.

The surface quality and 'light transprency' of the screen face medium
itself means that you will likely never get where you want to be

The only way I can think of is to have a layer behind the screen
capture the pointer position and then feedback through software to
artificially light a specific pixel set a specific color, so it would
appear that the light itself lit the screen face.

Similar to the light rifle thing in video games. They used to detect
the light spot position within the CRT itself, and feed that to the
software, which was decidedly easier than this "layer behind the screen"

You're welcome... no charge.

Naomi Price

Perhaps the same general concept could be expanded into that app.
Anything that converts electrical energy into light also works the
other way; the efficiency is not too good to say the least, but a change
in the drive requirements for "that" pixel (or pixels if need) should be
the key..

It took them this long to give us high res LCD displays, and they are
now moving toward great, transparent touch sensitivity, but sending
'over-illuminated pixel' feedback back to the system is asking a lot of
them. (not really)

'Over-illuminated backlight LED pixels', however, could be vectored on.
Since they use LEDs to backlight now, they could use a properly sized
array of those to gather feedback from a light device shooting into the
screen from afar. That is the perfect place for it too. A separate
backlight engine and feedback system would remain separate from the
current graphic system, so no gamers would cry.

It would work great, actually.

Naomi Price

Perhaps the same general concept could be expanded into that app.
Anything that converts electrical energy into light also works the
other way; the efficiency is not too good to say the least, but a change
in the drive requirements for "that" pixel (or pixels if need) should be
the key..

Another way is to develop a PS3 presentation application for their
pointer system. Likely already out there somewhere.

I'll see if the std photo album app works any differently with the
pointing, position sense device in hand and 'lit up'.