Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Laptop batter reuse and proper bond insulator query

I have this old netbook battery and from what I know I suspect it has the 18650 - 2x3 in it.
The charging unit that supplies current to the Netbook is still there. I am aware of specific circuitry needed to be able to stop start and not under/overchage etc....
I really want to use this to suppa Raspbely power to rry Pi model B...its a 5V >1VA developers board and things attach to USB so further current power would be needed.
What do I need and which bits can be or are worth reusing?

Then I really feel there ought to be way better and more secure way to bond/solder/splice wires and hack through stuff generally. How do I get a good solid outcome on these so I am not afraid and overtly cautius to the point of paranoia of not pulling touching or tripping on something?? I really need better ways and stardarts to worry less about faulty or "touchy" setups and connections...any experience on that regard is wellcome.

Here is what I refer to as a guide :

Harald Kapp

You can buy connectors of that kind for soldering your own wires to.
Altenatively you can jury rig a broken connector. Use e.g. sugru for constructing an isolated handle. Or use 2-component epoxy - you may want to build something like a throwaway mould to get a handle that doesn't resemble an ugly blob of goo, though.

The 18650 battery delivers between 3.6V and 4.2V per cell (says Google :) ). DEo I understand correctly that by 2x3 you mean there are 6 cells in the battery stack, giving between 21V... 25V. You may want to use use a step-down (buck) regulator to go from that voltage to 5V.
Thank you Harald Kapp,

"quality" jury rig ideas was what I wanted. Google sugru and checked amazon...
I think there were a lot of things on it such as the Sugru , epoxy types and putty etc...
should be enough to hunt down on my own...

The battery , I meant 6 cells in total. So a step-down(buck) regulator will give me the step-up/down option I want for the volts.Thank you.

How about those power tools (combi drill driver) do they also use the 18650 cells??
Comparing a laptop type battery to a power tool battery...any differences/advantages etc?


Harald Kapp

Sorry, I'm not very familiar with these different types of battery. I guess as long as the voltage and ampere-hour rating match your needs both should be o.k.