Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Koss Pro-4 AA earphones ( ear cushion removal)


Jacques Carrier

Hi fellow techs,

I want to replace the ear cushions on these fine earphones.
Please tell me how to remove them correctly because I do not want
to damage them.They seem to be glued in place.Maybe there is a metal ring??

Many thanks,

Jacques Carrier


Jacques said:
Hi fellow techs,

I want to replace the ear cushions on these fine earphones.
Please tell me how to remove them correctly because I do not want
to damage them.They seem to be glued in place.Maybe there is a metal
They've probably glued themselves into place over the years. IIRC, they are
simply stretched over the earpiece, and the edge shrinks itself into a
groove around the circumfrence. I know I pulled mine off many times.

Where did you find new ear cushions for them? I thought they were only
available by sending in the entire unit to Koss for refurb. I'll have to
Google out Koss one of these days. I've got a set of AAA's which need new
pads. The ones on these are definitely glued into place...air-filled as
opposed to the fluid-filled ones on the AA's (more comfortable/lighter--but
considerably more fragile).



jakdedert said:
They've probably glued themselves into place over the years. IIRC,
they are simply stretched over the earpiece, and the edge shrinks
itself into a groove around the circumfrence. I know I pulled mine
off many times.

Where did you find new ear cushions for them? I thought they were
only available by sending in the entire unit to Koss for refurb.
I'll have to Google out Koss one of these days. I've got a set of
AAA's which need new pads. The ones on these are definitely glued
into place...air-filled as opposed to the fluid-filled ones on the
AA's (more comfortable/lighter--but considerably more fragile).
I went to the Koss site. They do indeed sell cushions for many of their
cans...not the AAA's however. I pulled mine off to see if I could refurb
them. I found a leak in one side, which I might be able to plug. The other
side will take a bit of sleuthing (immerse in water, then squeeze?). There
is no easily located hole, but they eventually go flat when compressed.

I've tried to locate a modern Koss headset which could be adapted to fit.
The cushions are simply glued to the can. Something in their line (all
cushions are $5/pair) must be close, although the Pro-4AAA earpieces are
unusually large.

Too bad they are not covered by the lifetime warrantee of the newer models.
In fact, I don't think they support them at all anymore. I'm waiting for a
reply to my email; but further research on the web indicates that they've
disowned this model....a shame, they sound very good.....



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