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Koss DVD player won't play CD's


Roger Grady

I have a Koss DVD/CD player that plays DVD's fine but won't recognize
an audio CD. It was less than a year old when this started. Do these
things have more than one laser? Is this likely to be something
fixable or is it a "pitch and replace" situation?

Roger Grady [email protected]
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Mark D. Zacharias

It's the pickup. Most modern DVD players are a "dual-wave" pickup design.
The CD - related portion of the laser is bad somehow. It happens. The DVD
portion may function for some time. Most of these are throwaways anymore.

Mark Z.


Mark said:
It's the pickup. Most modern DVD players are a "dual-wave" pickup
design. The CD - related portion of the laser is bad somehow. It
happens. The DVD portion may function for some time. Most of these
are throwaways anymore.
Or, it could have a simple fault. I have one which would not recognize
CD's. That started occuring almost to the day that the warranty expired.
For about a year thereafter, it would intermittantly work on CD's.
Occasionally, one would read...and then for that entire session it would
work fine on all CD's. Eventually it got intermittant on DVD's as well.

After putting up with that for a while I just replaced it. After seeing it
sit on a shelf for a while, I pulled it down one day, opened it up, cleaned
it thoroughly and reseated all of the ribbon cables.

It powered up, recognized the first CD, all subsequent CD' well as all
DVD's. Since it's a changer and it's replacement was single-play, I put it
back in service. Over a year now and it's been flawless. I suspect it was
one of the ribbon cables that was the culprit; but since I did no
incremental testing, it could have just been dirty.....


Roger Grady

jakdedert said:
Or, it could have a simple fault. I have one which would not recognize
CD's. That started occuring almost to the day that the warranty expired.
For about a year thereafter, it would intermittantly work on CD's.
Occasionally, one would read...and then for that entire session it would
work fine on all CD's. Eventually it got intermittant on DVD's as well.

After putting up with that for a while I just replaced it. After seeing it
sit on a shelf for a while, I pulled it down one day, opened it up, cleaned
it thoroughly and reseated all of the ribbon cables.

It powered up, recognized the first CD, all subsequent CD' well as all
DVD's. Since it's a changer and it's replacement was single-play, I put it
back in service. Over a year now and it's been flawless. I suspect it was
one of the ribbon cables that was the culprit; but since I did no
incremental testing, it could have just been dirty.....

Well, I guess it's worth opening it up and playing a bit before I
pitch it. Maybe I'll get lucky like you did.

Thanks for the info.

Roger Grady [email protected]
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