Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Know a good place to buy semiconductor IC online? (Help please!!)

Anybody know a good place to buy semiconductor IC online? (can order variety of IC and good price).
Have to be able to ship overseas (Indonesia).
Not for commercial purpose but for hobby. I just need to buy a few. :)

Please help.


hi peppy
welcome to the forums :)

none of us probably have any knowledge of which suppliers will ship to Indonesia
you are going to have to make some queries directly to the suppliers

so firstly, you have all your eBay suppliers ... then...
Mouser in the USA .... then ...
Element14, they are world wide

there are others but there's a start for you
you are going to have to ask each one individually where they will ship to



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I've purchased from Futurlec, and they ship out of Thailand (or did for my orders)