Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Knobs for rotary encoders


Fred Bartoli

I'm in quest for 30-35mm diameter, 10-12mm height, ivory or light gray
knobs of the kind used on instrument using rotary encoders. Couldn't
find anything yet.

Any ideas?

Winfield Hill

I'm in quest for 30-35mm diameter, 10-12mm height, ivory or light gray
knobs of the kind used on instrument using rotary encoders. Couldn't
find anything yet.

Any ideas?

The machine shop. :)

Winfield Hill

Spehro said:
I've got quite a few 32mm diameter ~15mm high black anodize encoder
knobs with metal (aluminum) knurled shell over plastic (for 6mm metric
D-shaft push-on). Maybe you could paint them. ;-)

To go with your stock of encoders? They're not weighted, are they?


Fred said:
I'm in quest for 30-35mm diameter, 10-12mm height, ivory or light gray
knobs of the kind used on instrument using rotary encoders. Couldn't
find anything yet.

Any ideas?

Sifam ?


Spehro Pefhany

The machine shop. :)

I've got quite a few 32mm diameter ~15mm high black anodize encoder
knobs with metal (aluminum) knurled shell over plastic (for 6mm metric
D-shaft push-on). Maybe you could paint them. ;-)

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Larkin

I'm in quest for 30-35mm diameter, 10-12mm height, ivory or light gray
knobs of the kind used on instrument using rotary encoders. Couldn't
find anything yet.

Any ideas?

This uses a Rogan PT-5, costs $1.17.

We did a lot of testing and decided that a smaller knob is easier to
use. You can "twirl" it between your fingers and get a lot faster
spin, when you need it, than you can with a bigger official-spinner


Spehro Pefhany

This uses a Rogan PT-5, costs $1.17.

We did a lot of testing and decided that a smaller knob is easier to
use. You can "twirl" it between your fingers and get a lot faster
spin, when you need it, than you can with a bigger official-spinner


The flat type with a finger depression might be better, but they are
hard to find. Otherwise, I think ~15mm is better. What size is that
one? Is it collet type?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Larkin

The flat type with a finger depression might be better, but they are
hard to find. Otherwise, I think ~15mm is better. What size is that
one? Is it collet type?

This one is 19 mm at the base, tapered a bit, brass insert with
setscrew. It's a little rubbery feeling, nice to grab and spin while
you're looking at something else, like a scope screen. We tested some
of the things with the finger depression and found them fairly awkward
to use... to spin them very far, you wind up swiping them along the
side of the knob a bunch of times, rather then trying to spin the
slippery depression, which challenges my manual dexterity. Not to
mention expensive. Well, OK, I mentioned it.

15 mm would probably work even better, but it's starting to look less



John said:
This uses a Rogan PT-5, costs $1.17.

We did a lot of testing and decided that a smaller knob is easier to
use. You can "twirl" it between your fingers and get a lot faster
spin, when you need it, than you can with a bigger official-spinner

You're absolutely right. I've found exactly the same myself. Big knobs with
fancy caps may look cool but are relatively clumsy to use.



Spehro said:
The flat type with a finger depression might be better, but they are
hard to find.

They look cute but aren't very nice to use IMHO.


Clifford Heath

Eeyore said:
You're absolutely right. I've found exactly the same myself.

In 1984 I visited the cockpit of a 747 over Greece. The pilot had
maps out to show me, and as we passed a waypoint, he reached up
to a knob to dial in a new bearing. Twiddle until the mechanical
3-digit display had the right number, and a 300+ tonne plane made
a coordinated turn to the new bearing. Said knob was barely bigger
than a pencil eraser...I was suitably impressed!

Clifford Heath.
I'd prefer not. Have just found this one:

but color isn't good (it's natural Al, or black anodized) and at a hefty
What do they think?

You might check with Mouser about pricing on their web site. Last week
I was look at re-ordering a knob from that series that I had paid $6 a
year before. The web site showing around $13 and when I enquired how
the price could increase so much they said it was an error, the actual
price was around $7.

Spehro Pefhany

They look cute but aren't very nice to use IMHO.


The attraction from my perspective as an instrument designer is that
they can be made relatively flat (sunk flush with a panel, even) and
thus can be made fairly difficult for Joe Numbnuts user to snap off.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Ken Moffett

The attraction from my perspective as an instrument
designer is that they can be made relatively flat (sunk
flush with a panel, even) and thus can be made fairly
difficult for Joe Numbnuts user to snap off.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

I think also, at one time with multil-turn pots, the large
finger-spin knobs were to let you spin through the full range
quickly, yet have fine control (longer lever arm ratio knob-
to-wiper) once you got near your "tweak" point. Or is the an
obvious "given". :)


Spehro Pefhany

Winfield Hill asked:


Oops, missed the original. No, they're not weighted (I measure 11 or
12g), the aluminum is just for the (literally) cool feel and the
relatively sharp knurls (too sharp to be injection molded) and the
machined finish. Yes, they fit the encoders.

Enjoying the cool weather:

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany