Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Keyboard microprocessor programming

I am currently working on making a touch keyboard.
I have the key stroke detection part done, which is currently being read by a freescale GT16A.
I need to make the keyboard able to communicate this data over USB into windows.
I know it has to do with some HID class specifications. (link below)
I just want to know if there is an example of the code required to simply send the keystrokes into windows over USB, specific to keyboards.
Please could someone point me in the right direction.
If you use AVRs and you are not performing any other complex tasks on your uC that require a lot of memory, then you can use V-USB to simulate an HID device.

Alternately, you an use one of those AVR-USB chips like the AT90USB which have built in USB emulation hardware.

I can't speak about the complexity of the AT90, but I have used V-USB to make custom devices as well, and it is pretty easy, though it is demanding on memory because it is entirely software emulated.