Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Keyboard Emulation - using a micro


Joe G \(Home\)

Hi All,

There are many sites showing how to use a micro to simulate a keyboard and
the CLK and DATA serial sequence.

Does anyone know the scan codes for [Ctrl] [Alt] [C].

What bytes are sent on the data line to the PC?


Mark Zenier

Hi All,

There are many sites showing how to use a micro to simulate a keyboard and
the CLK and DATA serial sequence.

One buzzword is "Hardware Wedge". As I remember seeing in postings here,
there are apnotes from Philips (8051) and Microchip (PIC).

There was a number of projects in the regular columns in Circuit Cellar
Ink magazine about 11 years ago. <> In Ed
Nisley's and John Dybowski's (sp?) columns). Including some stuff about
the three different modes that a real IBM PC keyboard can run that I've
never seen anywhere else.
Does anyone know the scan codes for [Ctrl] [Alt] [C].

What bytes are sent on the data line to the PC?

Mark Zenier [email protected]
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)