Maker Pro
Maker Pro

kernel and scheduling for RTOS

scheduling is process by which operating system decide which one task will be next on processor

scheduling determine the order in which task are executed

different os kernel may use different scheduling algorithm

scheduling algorithm

First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling

Shortest-Job-First (SJF) Scheduling

Priority Scheduling

Round Robin(RR) Scheduling

Multilevel Queue Scheduling

which scheduling is used in RTOS ?
I think Priority Scheduling but I don't why ?

I have another question about kernel I have read about kernel for RTOS

1)type of kernel

Monolithic kernels
Micro kernel

2)type of kernel

preemptive kernel
non preemptive kernel

I don't understand difference between both type ,

Q which type of kernel may be used in RTOS , I think preemptive kernel, Micro kernel


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Read the PDF that was posted in the previous question about these. Your handout answers the questions.

We're not reading it for you.

Also try google and wikipedia.
I have read that PDF I have given two answer I just want to confirm that my answer is correct or not


Sadly passed away in 2015
That's not the kind of help we're here to provide.

I suggest you submit your answers to your tutor. If they're wrong, your tutor is the best person to explain this to you.


Sadly passed away in 2015
vead, you've now wasted Gryd3's time. You are able to use Google and Wikipedia yourself, aren't you?

You really have made a big deal out of a couple of straightforward questions on an assignment.

Please stop posting questions that you can answer yourself and wasting our time. This is not the first time you have been warned.

P.S. It is Electronics Point policy that we do not provide answers to homework questions. We try to guide people towards figuring out the answers for themselves. To do otherwise would defeat the purpose of education.
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