Maker Pro
Maker Pro

KENW|OOD KRV 7070 blown resistors

Hi, how are you all? I have had the Kenwood KRV7070 AMPLIFIER for nearly 15 years and until yesterday, it has never let me down. I pulled the cover off to find that the circuit board above the power supply had blown 2 6.3 amp slow blow fuses. Looking closer into it i saw that the resistor (r12) has blown.

:eek: This is my fault as i got the amp really hot as i only put it in a new unit, drilled out the back of the unit to allow for ventilation to the amp but it was not adequate as it was over 35 degree celcius in the lounge and i was downstairs and did not realise the temp upstairs so it would have been atleast 50 degrees c in the unit. The question is, as i cannot make out the colours, what is the value of this resistor?

Can anyone please help me out with this?

Cheers Frank.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There seem to be a number of people posting on the net about various problems with this unit. If you can get in contact with any of them, you may be able to ask them to look at theirs.

Other than that, you could try posting a picture of the board (and the underside if possible) and maybe we can figure out a likely value.

It seems quite likely though that something other than just the resistor and the fuses are the problem. It may be that something else has died and the resistor is a side effect.

Maybe we can help (but don't hold your breath)

Obviously, if it's in one of two (or more channels), the best bet is to look at the other channel. If its in the power supply, It's possible there's a duplicate too (+ and - rails).
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