Maker Pro
Maker Pro

jvc AV32730 TV



Worked fine last night. went to turn it on this morning and immediately
turns off. happens weather I use remote or on/off button on tv.Picture
doesn't even get to light up.
Anyone have a similar problem?

Jerry G.

In these sets, this may be a failure in the horizontal output stage or in
the power supply, most of the time. There are many types of components that
can cause a failure. You would have to give the set out for service, unless
you are properly trained and equipped to do this yourself.


Jerry G.

Worked fine last night. went to turn it on this morning and immediately
turns off. happens weather I use remote or on/off button on tv.Picture
doesn't even get to light up.
Anyone have a similar problem?


Not familiar with this model. Fault could be any number of things. In
my experience, here are some of the main ones: capacitors in the power
supply (easiest and cheapest to replace these first) / bad solder
joint finally failed totally in hot areas like p.s.u. or deflection
stage (very common)/ short on deflection or High voltage sections / A
load on the line output transformer bringing the line down or causing
p.s.u. protection mode..... also see the Sam Goldwasser repair faq

if the set is fairly new and/or you don't feel you know enough to
tackle the above then take it to a tech, as repair probably wouldn't
exceed cost of a new set- if not, then dump it.
good luck ,B