Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Just a thread of thanx

Thanx everybody, for making things a challenge.

Theres no point blabbering on about your little tricks, when everybody has tricks, and if your trick is a good one, why spread it out like a rabbit virus, when it was more special, when you kept it a secret.

Machines can become a sick obsession, and great success in the area can potentially actually ruin your life, if you pans out the wrong way.

You put it onto me to have the power, to work something out for myself, and now I'll not bother being "mr honesty" anymore, something I did with only with the best intentions, may I say, I shall forget I bothered to learn anything. and commence just being quiet
Another ramble about nothing.
A rabbit virus?, a good trick?. You cannot possibly compare the two to be good.
I feel like a social worker. Don’t do it, it’s not worth it!.
Now calm down, take a deep breath and tell uncle Martin all about it.
I am listening.
