Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Jim Thompson might like this, Oh OT for thingumbyjig (sp)



Other stuff on the webbosite.



Surprisingly(?) I came across this whilst poking around in Guy Macons
Bumhole. I think it came from the Commodore/Commode newsgroup in response to
him trying to sell some other bit of obsolescance from his garage on Ebay.

What's the difference between Don Lancaster and Guy Macon?

They both sell things on Ebay but......

'Insert your own creative thinking here'

Rich Grise, but drunk

What's the difference between Don Lancaster and Guy Macon?

Oh, come on, Genome. You can do much better that that!

Don Lancaster has written books. That actually sold in
bookstores. I was starstruck when I first met him -
"Gawrsh! A reel 'riter? That i red thuh ack-chul books
frum? Guh-Hyuk!"

Then I met him.

Anyways, here's a couple:

What's the difference between Guy Macon and Jim Thompson?

Jim Thompson has a barbecue in Arizona.

What's the difference between Guy Macon and John Fields?

John Fields corrects his errors.

What's the difference between Guy Macon and Win Hill?

Nah - that's too easy.

What's the difference between Guy Macon and Genome?

Guy Macon never posts drunk.

What's the difference between Guy Macon and Rich Grise?

Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!
[Wait - that was an interjection from one of my wacko
homunculi ; probably Barbara, my lesbian inner child,
who is approaching prepubescence and its concomitant
insecurity and petulance...]

Rich Grise knows when he's acting like a fool. Or at
least clues up, eventually.

I don't really NOT like Guy Macon, it's just that he
makes me feel like some uncle that's been swindled
into babysitting a petulant, angry, frustrated
little victim.

I can identify - I was always a victim when I was
growing up. That's why I ahve such an affinity for
victims now, and such a sensitivity to bullies, but
since I've pulled myself up by "my bootstraps" (I
tell ya, it took a lot of years to learn to do that
without falling on my ass every time! And I still do;
maybe that's why I have no padding left on my ass),
I don't have a lot of patience with victims. "Here:
Here's what you do to keep the bullies away..." and
they say, "Thanks, but..."

And, well, we've all seen how I deal with bullies.

But I'm so wise, and self-satisfied, since I've
found some answers, particularly about intoxicants/
euphoriants -

But, I admit, I still have a very disgruntled inner
homunculus that's still reacting to what he perceives
as "howcome that guy gets neat stuff and not me?"

Oh, well - they (those that gots) never did cop to
being lazy. I have admitted that I'm lazy, and why
I don't go out and eat dogs to get big checks that
all of the levels of governments and bill collectors
want a piece of.

I'm on "retainer", or "draw", depending on your POV,
which I'm taking in the form of barter, for lot rent,
electricity, and water. And the PHB seems to have
unceremoniously taken over the DSL bill - I told him,
"I'm worried about the DSL bill - I'm way behind, and
no money in sight =:-O" and he says, "Well, why didn't
you just have them send the bill here? (to the front
office instead of my PO box, which I had got so far
behind on I've abandoned hope of getting caught up
on it)", and I said, "I guess it never occurred to
me." He says, "It's because you're STUPID!!!!" I
said, "Yeah, I guess I am. Sorry." And I haven't seen
a DSL bill since then, and evidently it's still
[Humans are such easy prey. Snarf! -- Pig Bladder]

I have a place to sleep, I have food, TV, cigarettes
- I can smoke in my office! -
herbal supplements, and two computers to pull my hair
out about, and USENET. And, when it shows up and the
computer is working, design work.

What more could a geek ask for?

A blowjob? Maybe next week - the PHB just had me
quote 21 hours' worth of design work. %-}
