Maker Pro
Maker Pro

jfet as current source, temp dependence in-theory question


Jon Kirwan

I've not used JFETs before and was thinking about them first
as high impedance current sources to get started learning
more about them.

(I already gather that their potentially very high input
impedance and low Ciss is a good thing and I'm broadly aware
that FET and BJT input opamps divide their world into low
bias current vs low offset voltage camps.)

Looking over a datasheet on one, I see a chart picturing Id
vs Vgs (for one specific Idss) and illustrating several
curves for different temperatures. I note in this case that
they all cross at Id=10mA (and on this part, that happens in
the selected world of this datasheet at Vgs=-0.4V.) That
suggests that setting things up for Id=10mA would seem to
mitigate temperature variation in a simple current source
based on this device. (Similar on the real part, but not
necessarily exactly there, of course.)

However, there is a complication. I'd like that current
source to also be relatively _flat_ over the Vds compliance
range as well as temperature. Looking over the Id vs Vds
curves, it gets pretty nice and flat but close to the
pinch-off Vgs(off) and not close to Id=10mA, where the
d(Vds)/d(Id) slope is closer to about 3k ohms, compared to
about 26k ohms at Id=1mA. So it seems to get the temperature
stability tighter I have to loosen up on stability vs Vd, in
this part.

Is that generally the case for simple JFET current sources?
Am I reading this wrong? (If right, are there JFETs that get
both of these benefits relatively well optimized at close to
the same point of operation?)


Jon Kirwan

Do you have any problem using an OpAmp to stabilize the whole thing?

At this stage, I'm just trying to make sure I can follow the
datasheet, when thinking about one of the simplest JFET
circuits to use. As I wrote, I've not used them before and
I'm only now starting to look more closely at them. I'm just
a hobbyist and try and take things one step at a time...
explore the problems first and make sure I grasp enough of
the basics.

If the problem were a specific current source, a discrete
JFET might not even be on the table, anyway. This is about
understanding JFETs better, not building a real current sink.
The current sink is a fencing foil for learning about how to
read JFET datasheets and perhaps learn a little about the
scattering of real JFETs that I might find, were I to look
further than I have.


Tim Williams

AFAIK, JFETs all behave pretty much the same way. There are only two
fundamental parameters that vary with manufacture, Rds(on) and Vgs(off).

Rds(on) is the resistance of the channel when it's not pinched off at all
(and not enhanced by injected charge carriers!), and ranges from ~2.5k
(2N4338) to single digit ohms (J107, etc.). (I don't think anyone makes
monster JFETs competitive with fractional-Rds(on) MOSFETs, nor are there
really any manufacturers making HV JFETs.)

Pinchoff voltage varies from maybe -0.3V to -8V or lower. In particular,
these spreads occur within the same part or family, so if you need a
particular current or offset or something, you'll have to test and select
parts to be sure, or make the circuit significantly adjustable.

You can plug these numbers into the JFET equation (I don't have it handy,
unfortunately; check Google) and basically know everything about it (except
for temperature dependancy). The variation in Rds(on), Vgs(off) and Idss
are shown in Figure 10:
You can expect other JFETs to follow a similar pattern within their
respective raneg.

Temperature compensation seems to go in the same general direction (this is
going to be governed by Rds(on) rising with temperature, and whatever
happens to Vgs(off), which doesn't seem to be well specified?). Plots like


Tim Williams

AFAIK, JFETs all behave pretty much the same way. There are only two
fundamental parameters that vary with manufacture, Rds(on) and Vgs(off).

Rds(on) is the resistance of the channel when it's not pinched off at all
(and not enhanced by injected charge carriers!), and ranges from ~2.5k
(2N4338) to single digit ohms (J107, etc.). (I don't think anyone makes
monster JFETs competitive with fractional-Rds(on) MOSFETs, nor are there
really any manufacturers making HV JFETs.)

Pinchoff voltage varies from maybe -0.3V to -8V or lower. In particular,
these spreads occur within the same part or family, so if you need a
particular current or offset or something, you'll have to test and select
parts to be sure, or make the circuit significantly adjustable.

You can plug these numbers into the JFET equation (I don't have it handy,
unfortunately; check Google) and basically know everything about it
(except for temperature dependancy). The variation in Rds(on), Vgs(off)
and Idss are shown in Figure 10:
You can expect other JFETs to follow a similar pattern within their
respective raneg.

Temperature compensation seems to go in the same general direction (this
is going to be governed by Rds(on) rising with temperature, and whatever
happens to Vgs(off), which doesn't seem to be well specified?). Plots
top row of page 3:
show points of current stability, but at nonzero Vgs, which is kind of
sucky. If you have the voltage overhead, you could use a source resistor to
self-bias it to this point. Curiously, the two plots show this crossing at
approximately the same point (3-5mA) for all Vgs(off) values given.

In the Vgs = 0 region, the tempco is negative, or.... I think they made a
typo on the top-left plot: the Vgs(off) = -2V curves seem to be labeled in
reverse order with respect to temperature! The other three series seem to
be in the correct order at least... Anyway, negative tempco, and the
percentagewise change should be fairly similar across transistors. Let's
see... it's hard to tell here because the larger curves are cut off, you
don't get to see the -55C intercept. It seems to have a lower tempco for
lower Vgs(off)'s, though. That would make compensating a FET CCS + source
follower (i.e., a zero-offset follower) somewhat inconvienient.


Jon Kirwan

Looking at it, now.
show points of current stability,

Bingo! That is what I'm also looking at, but here:
Also, top row on what they call page 240 (4th PDF page.)
but at nonzero Vgs,

Yup, exactly.
which is kind of sucky.

If you have the voltage overhead, you could use a source resistor to
self-bias it to this point.

That was exactly what I was considering, and asking about.
Curiously, the two plots show this crossing at
approximately the same point (3-5mA) for all Vgs(off) values given.

Yes, for two different Vgs(off) style devices (they seem to
come in selected families divided along these lines.) I see
that closely shown there, one at about 4mA and the other at
about 5mA. That's what I saw at 10mA on the above linked
In the Vgs = 0 region, the tempco is negative, or.... I think they made a
typo on the top-left plot: the Vgs(off) = -2V curves seem to be labeled in
reverse order with respect to temperature! The other three series seem to
be in the correct order at least... Anyway, negative tempco, and the
percentagewise change should be fairly similar across transistors. Let's
see... it's hard to tell here because the larger curves are cut off, you
don't get to see the -55C intercept. It seems to have a lower tempco for
lower Vgs(off)'s, though. That would make compensating a FET CCS + source
follower (i.e., a zero-offset follower) somewhat inconvienient.

Or useful, if you _wanted_ the ability to adjust the tempco
from small negative to small positive values for some purpose
at hand. This feature might be useful somewhere.


Jon Kirwan

Looking at it, now.

Bingo! That is what I'm also looking at, but here:
Also, top row on what they call page 240 (4th PDF page.)

Yup, exactly.

That was exactly what I was considering, and asking about.

Yes, for two different Vgs(off) style devices (they seem to
come in selected families divided along these lines.) I see
that closely shown there, one at about 4mA and the other at
about 5mA. That's what I saw at 10mA on the above linked

Or useful, if you _wanted_ the ability to adjust the tempco
from small negative to small positive values for some purpose
at hand. This feature might be useful somewhere.

Just might have thought of one oddball place. The
vbe-amplifier/multiplier device when used with a specific
push-pull pair of output BJTs, needed to tweak in (at
calibration time) a precision tempco. Might need either
direction and there is some flexibility about the exact Id
that can be used there to get it.


Jon Kirwan

However, there is a complication. I'd like that current
source to also be relatively _flat_ over the Vds compliance
range as well as temperature. Looking over the Id vs Vds
curves, it gets pretty nice and flat but close to the
pinch-off Vgs(off) and not close to Id=10mA, where the
d(Vds)/d(Id) slope is closer to about 3k ohms, compared to
about 26k ohms at Id=1mA. So it seems to get the temperature
stability tighter I have to loosen up on stability vs Vd, in
this part.

Is that generally the case for simple JFET current sources?
Am I reading this wrong? (If right, are there JFETs that get
both of these benefits relatively well optimized at close to
the same point of operation?)

I think I have my answer on this narrow point and it is too
obvious. Natually, the Rds will be lowest at Vgs=0 and the
small signal variations around Vgs=0 will be set by that.
Increasing that impedance line means getting Vgs as close to
pinchoff, as useful, to boost Rds and flatten out it's
response to changes in Vds. So my last question, which
implies that the greatest slope might occur at a Vgs far away
from Vgs(off), is meaningless. The best slope will always be
towards smaller Id and nearer pinchoff. Yet the tempco=0
point will always be in the middle somewhere and not towards
some extreme point. So I have my answer to that. The
question itself implied that I'd forgotten something about
the basic idea, which hopefully is corrected.


Tim Williams

Jon Kirwan said:
Bingo! That is what I'm also looking at, but here:
Also, top row on what they call page 240 (4th PDF page.)

Ah, but the top row is 25C... did you mean the bottom right figure? THat
shows the crossing at:...
That's what I saw at 10mA on the above linked PDF.

Yeah, that thing.
Or useful, if you _wanted_ the ability to adjust the tempco
from small negative to small positive values for some purpose
at hand. This feature might be useful somewhere.

Ah, true. Of course, the important quantity is tempco as percentage of
current, since current varies too (and, notably, it's a constant ratio for
all BJTs), and since it's slightly easier to make ratios of current (i.e.
gain) than to add offsets as well (i.e. needs a current source).

Obviously, if you've got any operating point where the tempco *reverses*, no
change in forward bias can reverse-reverse that.

As for compensating something like BJTs in a power amp, I'd be worried that
1. it's not the same shape (polynomial vs. exponential over a wider
temperature range?), so maybe you'll match it appropriately for a small
range, but then it sucks at the ends of that range; 2. the actual "thermal
gain" might end up relatively low anyway (especially around the null point),
thus begetting the same problem you started with, i.e. needing to subtract
the bias current to enhance the apparent tempco; and 3. the voltage offset
could be quite large, much greater than most Vbe multipliers run at. This
would have to be offset by selecting low-Vgs(off) JFETs, or inelegantly
juggling the current through a couple mirrors to get a usefully low knee
