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Maker Pro

Jerry Greenberg Virus alert



I just got a Email from Jerry Greenberg that was a virus.
The way these bugbear things work, its hard to say whether
it was Jerry's machine that did it or not. If you get this
email "RE: Color TV gone B&W" DO NOT OPEN IT!
Jerry if its you, check your machine. Bugbear strikes again.
Be warned.



I opened Jerry's message then saw the warning. Did a virus scan, nothing
showed up. I did not open anything except his message.

George S

My ISP Virus Sheild blocked an email from Jerry with the Subject: LCD screen
backlight problem. So I would be careful with any emails from Jerry if you
don't have a Virus Sheild.

Tom MacIntyre

I just got a Email from Jerry Greenberg that was a virus.
The way these bugbear things work, its hard to say whether
it was Jerry's machine that did it or not. If you get this
email "RE: Color TV gone B&W" DO NOT OPEN IT!
Jerry if its you, check your machine. Bugbear strikes again.
Be warned.


I have had e-mail correspondence with Jerry before (one of our family
here). I have nothing showing up so far. It is probably that I am not
on his address list, and you, and possibly others are. An e-mail
(yuck, that's where the virus comes from) to Jerry, and/or a telephone
call may take care of things. He may now even be aware of this
himself; a temporary lapse as to updating AV sig's can subject any of
us to this.


Jerry Greenberg

I am at another location.

I will check the machine in question! It has the latest updates from
McAfee, and nothing has been spotted. I will run a full scan on that

Thank you for the warning!

Jerry Greenberg

Bill Webb

Likely as not, the person listed in the 'From' header is not the one
infected - they are in the address list of someone who is. The new trend
for Outlook-transmitted worms (Klez, Bugbear, etc.) is to send a copy to
party A (fished from the address book) forged as coming from party B
(also from the address book).


Bob Parker said:
What harm is a Hoover going to do to someone?

As in, space vacuum . Supposedly it is a really painful way to go
especially if you hold your breath .

4 atmospheres of pressure to vacuum could be -uhm- "interesting" . But
thats just plain evil . Mwhahahahahaha :)

Sam Goldwasser

As in, space vacuum . Supposedly it is a really painful way to go
especially if you hold your breath .

4 atmospheres of pressure to vacuum could be -uhm- "interesting" . But
thats just plain evil . Mwhahahahahaha :)

So this is all bad? :)

BTW, in case someone tries to claim that a Hoover would be suitable, the
vacuum created by a vacuum cleaner, even a high power super-duper
overhyped N horsepower wet-dry vac is terrible compared to any mediocre
vacuum pump. Typically. (and yes, I did the experiments!), between 27
and 28 inches of mercury, or only down to 90 to 94 percent of atmospheric
pressure dead-headed into a vacuum gauge. :)

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