Maker Pro
Maker Pro

jeopardy game design request

Hi All,

I hope I am not way out of line posting in this forum, but it was the
only one I found where I thought I could get some help.

My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project. He has
decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch like game of
jeopardy; where the first person pressing a button will be allowed to
answer the question. The wiring should not be advanced; as it is a
grade-6 project.

I am not an electrical engineer by any means, so determining the right
combination/architecture of switches/lights/buzzers/relays/? - I
cannot do. Can anyone provide some basic guidance to get us going?

He wants to design it using a piece of wood as the board.

Thanks, in advance,


martin griffith

On 14 May 2007 07:32:19 -0700, in
Hi All,

I hope I am not way out of line posting in this forum, but it was the
only one I found where I thought I could get some help.

My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project. He has
decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch like game of
jeopardy; where the first person pressing a button will be allowed to
answer the question. The wiring should not be advanced; as it is a
grade-6 project.

I am not an electrical engineer by any means, so determining the right
combination/architecture of switches/lights/buzzers/relays/? - I
cannot do. Can anyone provide some basic guidance to get us going?

He wants to design it using a piece of wood as the board.

Thanks, in advance,

a quick goog found this
which may be a bit advanced, but it is just one circuit repeated many
maybe a more thorough google would find something simpler



Hi All,

I hope I am not way out of line posting in this forum, but it was the
only one I found where I thought I could get some help.

My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project. He has
decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch like game of
jeopardy; where the first person pressing a button will be allowed to
answer the question. The wiring should not be advanced; as it is a
grade-6 project.

I am not an electrical engineer by any means, so determining the right
combination/architecture of switches/lights/buzzers/relays/? - I
cannot do. Can anyone provide some basic guidance to get us going?

He wants to design it using a piece of wood as the board.

You are going to need something to prevent the second button from
having any effect. How many buttons do you want to do? The usual
number is 3.

Can you solder electronic stuff?

You can use relays to do the work but the cost will be kind of high.
You can use logic but you will have to work on small stuff.

See: and search for: Solderless Breadboard

I think that will get you the right stuff to let you avoid any need to
solder onto small parts.

I'm going to suggest that you use a couple of CD4013B ICs and a

The nice thing about the CD40XX logic is that it can be powered by
just a 9V battery. There will also be some transistors needed to make
enough power to switch the buzzers.

Take a look and see if it looks like something you can handle.
You are going to need something to prevent the second button from
having any effect. How many buttons do you want to do? The usual
number is 3.

Can you solder electronic stuff?

You can use relays to do the work but the cost will be kind of high.
You can use logic but you will have to work on small stuff.

See:www.digikey.comand search for: Solderless Breadboard

I think that will get you the right stuff to let you avoid any need to
solder onto small parts.

I'm going to suggest that you use a couple of CD4013B ICs and a

The nice thing about the CD40XX logic is that it can be powered by
just a 9V battery. There will also be some transistors needed to make
enough power to switch the buzzers.

Take a look and see if it looks like something you can handle.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi there.

Firstly, thanks for the replies!

I am not that advanced in electronics, so you have to know who you are
dealing with :)

I found a SOLDERLESS BREADBOARD at the local source store (old
radioshack here in Canada) -

Can I use this? If so, care to tell me a little more?

We have started to buy some parts and have the following:

- some 20 guage Hook Up wire
- momentary push-button switches
- threaded base lamp holders and bulbs
- double-AA battery holder with color-coded wire leads
- some clips
- mini buzzers

I would appreciate any direction...and don't mind if we have to spend
a little more $$$.



P.s. we need to do this over the next 2 days :)

Richard Henry

Hi there.

Firstly, thanks for the replies!

I am not that advanced in electronics, so you have to know who you are
dealing with :)

I found a SOLDERLESS BREADBOARD at the local source store (old
radioshack here in Canada) -

Can I use this? If so, care to tell me a little more?

We have started to buy some parts and have the following:

- some 20 guage Hook Up wire
- momentary push-button switches
- threaded base lamp holders and bulbs
- double-AA battery holder with color-coded wire leads
- some clips
- mini buzzers

I would appreciate any direction...and don't mind if we have to spend
a little more $$$.



P.s. we need to do this over the next 2 days :)- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

A simple non-registered PAL could handle the logic, subject to the
cautions listed below.

Inputs: AButton, BButton, CButton, ClearButton (all pulled up and
active low when pressed)
Oututs: AFirst, BFirst, CFirst.

Players A, B, C have their buttons, controller has Clear Button.
Three indicators are connected to AFirst, BFirst, CFirst outputs.

AFirst = /AButton * BButton * CButton * /BFirst * /CFirst *
+ AFirst * ClearButton;

BFirst = AButton * /BButton * CButton * /AFirst * /CFirst *
+ BFirst * ClearButton;

CFirst = AButton * BButton * /CButton * /AFirst * /BFirst *
+ CFirst * ClearButton;

This method is subject to race conditions between the player inputs,
which might result in multiple "First" indications, or none at all.
This is because there is unavoidable finite setup time for the logic
and propagation delays in the signals being routed back into the
decision matrix.


rfoulds@ said:
My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project.
He has decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch
like game of jeopardy

As you are already at Google Groups
("The Usenet Archive")--this is Usenet; NOT Google Groups--
a search would have turned up numerous times this has been asked:
To see the diagrams in a monospaced font,
**More options** then **Show original**
(or copy & paste into Notepad).
As you are already at Google Groups
("The Usenet Archive")--this is Usenet; NOT Google Groups--
a search would have turned up numerous times this has been asked:
To see the diagrams in a monospaced font,
**More options** then **Show original**
(or copy & paste into Notepad).

I did this...but all the ones I saw are are too complex for a Grade 6
Science project...I am looking for the most basic version possible.



Homer J Simpson

My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project. He has
decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch like game of
jeopardy; where the first person pressing a button will be allowed to
answer the question. The wiring should not be advanced; as it is a
grade-6 project.

I am not an electrical engineer by any means, so determining the right
combination/architecture of switches/lights/buzzers/relays/? - I
cannot do. Can anyone provide some basic guidance to get us going?

Unfortunately this is not as simple as you might think.

A google for (simple game show buzzer circuit) got a number of hits, home
built like

or commercial kits like (which
needs a power supply kit also).

Rich Grise

P.s. we need to do this over the next 2 days :)

Good grief, When did the kid get the assignment?

And I don't think any of the popular Jeopardy button circuits are
beyond a 6th grader, if the 6th grader bothers to read a book or

You need to learn to get an earlier start on your homework.

Good Luck!
Good grief, When did the kid get the assignment?

And I don't think any of the popular Jeopardy button circuits are
beyond a 6th grader, if the 6th grader bothers to read a book or

You need to learn to get an earlier start on your homework.

Good Luck!

I believe there are other newsgroups for people who look to just
spreading noise.

martin griffith

On 14 May 2007 14:26:44 -0700, in
I believe there are other newsgroups for people who look to just
spreading noise.
I think you are unjust about our Mad Rich.

I took 10 mins to work out a simple system, but it would not be bug
free, there can often be "backdoor" or unintended circuit paths, which
are somewhat undesirable, and to create on a block of wood, by
tomorrow, som3what difficult

It can be done with simple relays (costly) and a few transistors, and
many many diodes, which would be suitable for a kid, but boring.

Mucking around with a few logic gates would be much more satisfying,
educational as well

A bit more notice would have been nice


J.A. Legris

Hi All,

I hope I am not way out of line posting in this forum, but it was the
only one I found where I thought I could get some help.

My 12-year-old son needs to build an electronics project. He has
decided he would like to build a buzzer/light/switch like game of
jeopardy; where the first person pressing a button will be allowed to
answer the question. The wiring should not be advanced; as it is a
grade-6 project.

I am not an electrical engineer by any means, so determining the right
combination/architecture of switches/lights/buzzers/relays/? - I
cannot do. Can anyone provide some basic guidance to get us going?

He wants to design it using a piece of wood as the board.

Thanks, in advance,


Here's a nice simple design that can be extended if necessary. If you
also want buzzers, place them instead of (or in parallel with) the
I think you are unjust about our Mad Rich.

I took 10 mins to work out a simple system, but it would not be bug
free, there can often be "backdoor" or unintended circuit paths, which
are somewhat undesirable, and to create on a block of wood, by
tomorrow, som3what difficult

It can be done with simple relays (costly) and a few transistors, and
many many diodes, which would be suitable for a kid, but boring.

Mucking around with a few logic gates would be much more satisfying,
educational as well

A bit more notice would have been nice

martin- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Mad Rich? May be appropriate.

I only have 2 days with my son to do this; I am not with him after
that...not that it should matter to anyone in this group!?

Thanks for the replies that help/guide.


John Fields

Mad Rich? May be appropriate.

I only have 2 days with my son to do this; I am not with him after
that...not that it should matter to anyone in this group!?

Well, in all fairness, it's not our responsibility to make sure that
he gets his assignment done on time. And when the request for help
was posted with so little time left, well...

So far, Joe Legris's suggestion to use the circuit at:

is the best one. The wiring is simple and you can probably get the
relays at your "local source". Print out the schematic and take it
over there and they can probably help you select the components you
need that you haven't already bought.

Good luck.
Well, in all fairness, it's not our responsibility to make sure that
he gets his assignment done on time. And when the request for help
was posted with so little time left, well...

So far, Joe Legris's suggestion to use the circuit at:

is the best one. The wiring is simple and you can probably get the
relays at your "local source". Print out the schematic and take it
over there and they can probably help you select the components you
need that you haven't already bought.

Good luck.

What does why there are only 2 days have to do with anything? It's
just a deadline. Are you incapable of providing a solution, with a
time constraint, without trying to criticize the deadline?

On the solution side, thanks for the recommendations.



Hi there.

Firstly, thanks for the replies!

I am not that advanced in electronics, so you have to know who you are
dealing with :)

I found a SOLDERLESS BREADBOARD at the local source store (old
radioshack here in Canada) -

Can I use this? If so, care to tell me a little more?

We have started to buy some parts and have the following:

- some 20 guage Hook Up wire
- momentary push-button switches
- threaded base lamp holders and bulbs
- double-AA battery holder with color-coded wire leads
- some clips
- mini buzzers

I would appreciate any direction...and don't mind if we have to spend
a little more $$$.

The circuit with 3 relays is likely to be the quickest to build, if
you can get the relays.

BTW: The "clear" button needs to open the connection when pressed not
close it. A single pole, single throw switch will work for it since
nobody needs to do it quickly.

Haude Daniel

What does why there are only 2 days have to do with anything? It's
just a deadline. Are you incapable of providing a solution, with a
time constraint, without trying to criticize the deadline?

Who do you think we are? A help desk? This is a discussion forum, so
whatever you bring here will get discussed. If you want "no questions
asked", go find a local professional who will build this thing for
you and pay him accordingly.

Two days of deadline is ridiculously short for someone without any
background in electronics. Any of us here could lash up that relay
circuit within an hour, but there's always a chance of having made
a mistake, and without any experience you're going to find it hard
to troubleshoot it. And then you probably want it to look nice, too...

Good luck.

Who do you think we are? A help desk? This is a discussion forum, so
whatever you bring here will get discussed. If you want "no questions
asked", go find a local professional who will build this thing for
you and pay him accordingly.

Two days of deadline is ridiculously short for someone without any
background in electronics. Any of us here could lash up that relay
circuit within an hour, but there's always a chance of having made
a mistake, and without any experience you're going to find it hard
to troubleshoot it. And then you probably want it to look nice, too...

Good luck.


Thanks to all those who provided helpful responses! We went with the
3-player Jeopardy game, that was graciously provided here, and just
finished it this am. We're just painting the board.

Thanks again for all the help!



Rich said:
John just did.

How long did you procrastinate before getting started on the assignment?
Have you tried ?
Something even more specific was offered
with the response **That's too hard**:**-*-*-*-*

In retrospect, I think a better life lesson for the procrastinator
(trying to do something beyond his skill level--even when copying
would have been to have given no assistance
and allow the kid to get a failing grade.