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ISP AVR programmer - eBay



No offense, but if $3 is too much for you to pay for a programmer, you
should probably find another hobby.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 2:58 AM
Subject: ISP AVR programmer - eBay

Can I buy it for 3$ or maybe I can find cheaper ?
Robert said:
Can I buy it for 3$ or maybe I can find cheaper ?

Rich Grise

You are right, now the programmer is more expensive:
but I shoudn't wait propably ?

Problem is, that's not a programmer. It's a cable. To make a programmer,
you need both the development board, or actual programmer, and the
applicable software driver, which the seller gives a list of, but
no indication that any of it is included.

For a cable, it's not a bad price, but do you have the rest of the
components already?

Interestingly, I saw the same thing advertised here a week or so ago.
Give it another pass, and chances are the guy will be giving it away
for 0.01 + shipping next time.

Good Luck!

Jonathan Westhues

Rich Grise said:
Problem is, that's not a programmer. It's a cable. To make a programmer,
you need both the development board, or actual programmer, and the
applicable software driver, which the seller gives a list of, but
no indication that any of it is included.

Are you sure? I've seen lots of AVR programmers that look just like that.
The protocol is bit-banged on the parallel port pins, so the interface
circuitry is hardly anything and it fits inside the db25 shell. See for

at 10 USD each, and I know that one works.


Roger Johansson

Rich said:
Problem is, that's not a programmer. It's a cable. To make a
programmer, you need both the development board, or actual
programmer, and the applicable software driver, which the seller
gives a list of, but no indication that any of it is included.

It is not just a cable, It is a cable, a few resistors, a
d-sub-connector, and a connector for the processor board.

It is enough hardware to program an AVR processor.

It is so easy to build that there is no reason to buy one.

The schematic is widespread and well known by AVR users. For example if
you download the BASIC programming program and look in its help file,
there are schematics for this "cable".

The connector used at the processor end is, of course, up to yourself
to choose. The most lightweight solution is no connector at all. Just
solder the wires to the processor circuit during the programming. This
solution takes a minimum of board space on the processor board you are

It is correct to call this "cable" a programmer, as it is the only
hardware necessary.
The programmer software is free to get from the manufacturer and users
of AVR processors.