Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is this part of a GPS antenna?

While a Garmin Nuvi was open on the workbench, (for loudspeaker mod), noticed a device I have never seen before.
At the top of the board, coming from the shielded RF section, there is a short trace which connects to the (arrowed) rectangular block of yellow translucent (plastic?).
The other end of the block terminates to a wider copper pour, appearing to be an antenna.
As I only understand the barest minimum of satellite RF antenna designs, read on websites, I am curious what this 'block' is for?
In the past, have read of SAW filters, so is this the same animal?
Regards, Fuzzy.

Aha - found it!
Apparently a 'tuned microstrip' (whatever that does)..
Saw this Garmin teardown at
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