Mr. J D
How do you figure out what a digital gate senses as HIGH and LOW? I
thought it was labeld VIH, VIL, VOH, and VOL. But ive been told that by
setting VIH you can set what VOH is. Totally confused by this. I
thought there was a specified range, and that was what you used.
According to other people you could, "set", and have a VIH at 1 Volt.
How do these setting really work?
thought it was labeld VIH, VIL, VOH, and VOL. But ive been told that by
setting VIH you can set what VOH is. Totally confused by this. I
thought there was a specified range, and that was what you used.
According to other people you could, "set", and have a VIH at 1 Volt.
How do these setting really work?