Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is it possible to connect amplifier to a computer?

hi all,

I am wondering whether there is a device or possibility of connecting a computer to an amplifier... any suggestions plz??


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you have a headphone output on your computer you can connect this to a line level input on your amplifier (sometimes labelled "aux")
Yes. Be sure that computer and amplifier have the same ground connection or same plug on 3 prong ac outlet. Or else humming sound will be heard in amplifier.
Yes. Be sure that computer and amplifier have the same ground connection or same plug on 3 prong ac outlet. Or else humming sound will be heard in amplifier.

You mean like the Ground in the breaker box? I did this once with my computer in one part of my house to an amplifier on the other side of the house 40 foot away on separate power circuits. I didn't have any ground humming issues. Or at the very least they where not noticeable.
My daughter connected her desktop computer to her Stereo Amplifier just 2 feet away from Computer. She connects audio cable from headphone jack output of the soundcard and connects to Aux Input of stereo amplifier. But the 60hz sound or hum sound was also amplified together with the music.
Since , I know that the computer was using 3 prong ac plug and the ac outlet was properly grounded. But the stereo have 2 prong ac plug. This means ground casing of Stereo was floating . So, I connect 1 meter awg #14 wire from metal casing of stereo and casing of computer. So that both casing will have 0V potential difference. Humming sound therefore was reduced to minimum.
My daughter connected her desktop computer to her Stereo Amplifier just 2 feet away from Computer. She connects audio cable from headphone jack output of the soundcard and connects to Aux Input of stereo amplifier. But the 60hz sound or hum sound was also amplified together with the music.
Since , I know that the computer was using 3 prong ac plug and the ac outlet was properly grounded. But the stereo have 2 prong ac plug. This means ground casing of Stereo was floating . So, I connect 1 meter awg #14 wire from metal casing of stereo and casing of computer. So that both casing will have 0V potential difference. Humming sound therefore was reduced to minimum.

Ah yes, floating ground. I still don't understand why they do that, 2 prong instead of just using all 3 prong plugs. Other then cost, it just seems like a smart option.

Does anyone know what the UL standard is for a device to carry a 2 prong plug over a 3 prong plug. I thought one rule was that it could not have a metal case. Of course the UL is only good in the states, but if anyone knows I would be appreciative to hear the reasoning.