Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is it possible to build these?



Hi everyone,

I love building bizare electronic projects and i found a site where my
electronic "wet dreams" have propogated. Can somebody else tell me
wether these can be built realisticly and has anybody done them?

thanks! im so excited

Garrett Mace

I love building bizare electronic projects and i found a site where my
electronic "wet dreams" have propogated. Can somebody else tell me
wether these can be built realisticly and has anybody done them?

thanks! im so excited

This is your own site, I presume, based on your email address.

About 70% of the stuff is possible, though the description overhypes what
the device really does. The rest of it is the typical lineup of quack
"science" like free energy. However, ALL of it is done with extremely poor
spelling and grammar.

Peter Lowrie

Garrett said:
This is your own site, I presume, based on your email address.

About 70% of the stuff is possible, though the description overhypes what
the device really does. The rest of it is the typical lineup of quack
"science" like free energy. However, ALL of it is done with extremely poor
spelling and grammar.

Out of 10, your site rates 0.

Where are the circuits?

N. Thornton

Peter Lowrie said:
Out of 10, your site rates 0.

Where are the circuits?

I thought the game plan was to sell the lot on CD for 85 a copy. Too
high a price for schoolkids, and far too little info on each item for
any grown up to pay that much.

There were a few I didnt know what or how were done, but for 85 I dont
think I'll bother.

The one that caught my eye was plant growth accelerator. Any ideas
anyone? Nitrogen fixation perhaps? Halogen lamp? Could even just be a
bit of ali foil behind the plant. Most of the stuff theres pretty

Regards, NT