Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is it EEPROM: Can't delete or overwrite on Channel Preset

I can't delete the preset channel or over write on my device. Also I it looses power the Wifi settings go away.
My device is an Internet Radio Model Hama 00062760. I've used it for years but now I can't write over the preset channels. The preset channels are actually URL addresses which the stream broadcasting station keeps changing. Manually entering URL or selecting and searching in genre, country, etc is very tedious,
The idea is that this problem could be with any device, Internet or conventional radio, TV etc., preset problem could occur with any one of them.
Where are the preset memory stored in such devices, is it the EEPROM IC or bad capacitor not able to maintain charge, or is their a battery not able to power the IC for a rewrite.
I took photo of an IC I suspect is the ERPROM it looks like it says AMTEL 0641 TINVY11. Is the preset programmed in the Non Volatile Memory. How can I do a hard reset without deleting the firmware or other BIOS stuff.
I studied Electronics 30 years ago, so I have a bit of general idea, but I am not updated.
Or do I look for a bad Capacitor around the EEPROM.


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The radio has a clock.
Does it keep the correct time when power is disconnected(did it ever)?
If it did but doesn't do that anymore, you should look for a backup battery in the radio..
How many stations do you have on the radio?There may be a limit to that number.
Are you able to retrieve stored stations?but can't add/remove stations?

The Atmel ATtiny11 is actually a uController with an EEprom on it.
It doesn't need a Capacitor nor a battery to work properly.
I never cared about the clock display, but now that you asked it has the perfect time & date. I don't know whether I entered this ages ago or its just tapping into a network clock through the Internet. Most probably it's the setting I entered because it still shows in my time zone.
As far as I remember this has 30 programmable preset stations, there are 3 buttons on the front panel for the 1st 3 stored stations and that's enough for me. The rest need to be accessed or stored through the remote control.
There's a smaller piggy backing module or circuit which holds the Atmel EEPROM (see image). I swapped the module from my brother's device and my device worked fine without any memory issue.
So the culprit is the module with the Atmel & 3 large Samsung IC's.
If it's a memory IC that's faulty, why is it still retaining the old saved stations. This looks like a write function issue, the signaling won't enter. Or do faulty IC's behave that way, can read from but can't write to. Once again can you see a battery in the module or is it a charge capacitor. That's my layman analysis.


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Thanks for the links, but sorry I wouldn't be in this forum if I had to just download user manuals.

I can't find this unit in the UK website anyway. In any case both UK and German (even with Google translate) websites require a User Login and there's no way to register. I already have the soft copy for the user manual.

With all my respects, I was expecting a bit more technical answer. This devices is ages old, Hama the manufacturer probably stopped supporting it. And I was expecting do some tampering here with geeky members help here.

OK, here's how far I've gone. I swapped the Atmel EEPROM with my brother's device but still not solved. So the EEPROM doesn't hold the preset memory; it must be one of the other 2 Samsung IC's K48561632E-UC75 or K95608000-PCB0. Google search show exact IC doesnt exist, so it must be my 50 years old eyes that can't read well. They must be K4S561632E-UC75 & K9F5608U0D-PCB0 which are SDRAM & Flash Memory respectively.

As far as I know the Stations Preset Information would be classed as Non-Volatile Memory so it needs to be retained in the Flash Memory. The SDRAM can't have the saved Stations info because it looses memory whenever it looses power. So I suspect K9F5608U0D Flash Memory Chip itself or a capacitor holding a memory charge or a backup battery powering it.

Can anyone give some pointers before I start to procure the Flash Memory IC and reluctantly go through the dreaded desoldering & resoldering process. The picture of the IC's and board is posted earlier, the back of the board is bare. If anyone expert enough to identify the components without looking at the schematic, please advise which small component I should try checking or replacing.

I've uploaded both the IC spec. sheets along with useless User Manual.


  • 00062760man_de_en_fr_72.pdf
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  • datasheet K4S561632E-UC75.pdf
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  • datasheet K9F5608U0D-PCB0.pdf
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With all my respects, I was expecting a bit more technical answer. This devices is ages old, Hama the manufacturer probably stopped supporting it. And I was expecting do some tampering here with geeky members help here.

and with all respects ... do you understand who you are talking to ?
This is a hobbyist electronics site, yes, some of us are into electronics as our job / profession
But what you have done to your TV /monitor is pretty oddball and off-base and expecting one of our members
to be able to give a highly technical answer is nigh impossible unless one of them just happened to work
for that manufacturer .....
You have been given the best paths to follow and you have yet to do that

I think the best would be to contact the company technical service:
