Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Introducing NeverBlinks: Web-Based Remote Monitoring




We have just launched our service, which is a very
reliable and robust Web-based Always-ON IP Camera Remote Monitoring
Service. With neverblinks, you can set up your cameras on our website,
and schedule recording and motion detection sessions without having to
bother about running camera monitoring software on a computer managed
by you. Our servers stay awake 24/7, and keep your premises secured!

Our servers are secure and very closely monitored so that we can
ensure a very high level of reliability and up-time. Our motion
detection is top class, with an option to select the Region of
Interest through the web browser. And since its a browser based
solution, you don't need to install any software before you get going.

We are currently running our limited Beta, where you can register for
free and monitor up-to four cameras. Neverblinks supports cameras of
many makes, but has been closely tested only for Axis cameras. We are
always there to help you out with any support issues at
[email protected]. We promise to get back within 24 hours if you
require any assistance.

You are invited to use Please contact us on
[email protected] for any questions, suggestions, or enhancement
requests,ideas or demo login, and we'd be most pleased to answer you.
Once again, we invite you to try !!

Best Regards,
The Most Reliable Always-ON IP Camera Remote Monitoring service


With every thing else going to India, why not let them watch your SECURITY
cameras too.

What a non secure way to record

Ooooo Quick Jamile, looketd thdis! De white'd d'peopel are
breekedting indo de bilding. Wha'dt doo you dink we'd dshud doo now?

Do you have a Quardter dso we cud call dem and say ehello?

Sur'd sur'd..... riedt after we d'say our pradyers.

Dammit Punjab ....where'd deu poot dee rugs!