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Intro to Mobile Shortwave Radios


Maximo Lachman

Archive-name: travel/shortwave-radios-intro
Previous-version-modified: 1.i.MMIII
Posting-Frequency: semi-annually
Last-modified: 31.iix.MMIII


Introduction to Mobile Shortwave Radios


* [0] Intro to the Intro
* [1] What's a shortwave radio?
* [2] Why would anybody want/need one?
* [3] What do I need to know in order to use one?
* [4] What's the difference between digital & analog radios?
* [5] What radio accessories are especially useful for shortwave?
* [6] How do bands, wavelengths & frequencies, kHz & MHz, differ?
* [7] But what if I don't want to scan for stations while driving?
* [8] Where online can I get more information on SW (car) radios?
* [9] Abbreviations and Terms

[0] Intro to the Intro

The Intro is intended for those who are fairly mobile, but do not
know what radio options exist, and are neither hobby-oriented nor
technically inclined (e.g. monitoring or modifying), as well as for
those who enjoy 'roughing it' and are seeking subscription-free
alternatives to xm satellite radio or similar mobile services. The
target area of the readership is Oceania\America.

It is also a guide to help decide if a shortwave radio is a suitable
alternative, and if so, narrow down purchase options, particularly in
the mid-price range (FRN$50-$250) of those radios suitable for mobile
use, especially travel by surface means: bike, car, rv, boat, etc.

Updates of the Intro are distributed semi-annually to rec.answers,
news.answers, and other newsgroups on usenet, freenet and fidonet:, 2.automotive, etc. The model for the Intro was:
and material from it has been used by the Intro, as did also the
old FAQ, under "Fair Use" provisions. However,
unlike the FAQ, the Intro corrects errors found in the original.

[1] What is a shortwave radio?

On the technical side, a shortwave radio is a receiver that can
receive AM radio transmissions on frequencies between 3 & 30 MHz. The
main characteristic of signals on these frequencies is their ability
to propagate for long distances, making possible such world-wide
communications as international broadcasting and co-ordination of
long-distance shipping. Most shortwave radios will also receive AM
transmissions below 3 MHz, such as those in the longwave & mediumwave
broadcast bands. Many will also receive transmissions above 30 MHz,
such as those in the FM broadcast band.

[2] Why would anybody want or need one?

The primary reasons people use shortwave radios range from interest in
the exotic, to helping others in local emergencies. From a logistical
point of view, shortwave radios are a means of enabling the reception
of transmissions of interest or utility to a target audience that may
have considerable degrees of geographic dispersion. Many countries
broadcast to the world in English, making it easier to find out the
position of such a country on those things that it finds important.
In addition to providing a way to eavesdrop on the everyday workings
of global commerce and politics, shortwave radios enable reception of
more AM programming from domestic broadcasters, since they can tune
in more AM-type transmissions reaching the radio, than so-called 'AM
radios'. Many will also allow one to listen to SSB transmissions of
emergency (& other) information by other radio operators: CB, marine,
amateur, etc; however, none of the traditional in-dash shortwave car
radios (e.g. Becker, Blaupunkt, Mekka, Philips, Sony) can handle SSB.

[3] What do I need to know in order to use one?

For shortwave radios, all you need to know at first are the same
skills needed for FM radios, while putting off learning the concepts
and jargon till later. A special set of radio skills is not required,
but as you gain experience and develop such radio skills, your
listening enjoyment will increase accordingly. Such skills include:
keeping up on local and non-local issues which may affect broadcasts
(e.g. strikes or ionospheric storms causing stations to 'disappear');
troubleshooting & maintaining your radio; and using various types of
antennas. For example, in some cases, loop antennas may be used to
null out local interfering stations or noise sources.

[4] What is the difference between digital & analog radios?

Shortwave radios are sometimes distinguished from each other by their
readouts and internal tuning methods, either of which may be analog
or digital. With regard to the shortwave signals themselves: analog
is mostly used for voice transmissions; in contrast, CW (Morse code),
RTTY & FSK are examples of digital transmission modes.

Digital Readout: (e.g. MM.kkk MHz)

There are a variety of tuning methods that provide a digital readout.
At one extreme, there are radios which have a separate knob for each
digit. There are others that have one tuning knob to set the MHz part
of the frequency, and another to set the kHz part. There are also
radios which have only one tuning knob to cover the entire range of
frequencies, although most of these reduce the amount of turns needed
via knobs that have 'fast' modes, or switches that quickly select
between a number of smaller tuning bands, or both.

At the other extreme are radios with digital readouts that have no
tuning knobs. Most of these have numeric keypads for selecting a
frequency. Some of these do not have numeric keypads, and are very
inflexible in use, unless you plan to listen only to the stations
that you have programmed into the radio's memories, in which case
their reduced cost, size and/or weight may better suit your needs.
Recent shortwave car radios fall into the latter category, but there
may be accessories available such as remote controls with keypads
or 'rotary commanders'.

Analog Readout

There is also a wide variety of analog readouts. Some use dials or
drums that rotate under indicators. Others use cursors that run along
linear scales. A few old analogs have the push-button memories also
found on old car radios. Selective modern radios do not use analog
readouts, but if they do, also have digital readouts, since it can be
difficult to tune in a shortwave station using only an analog readout.
Most analog-only radios on the market are small portables that are
unselective (they cannot separate stations that are right next to
each other) and only cover the main International Broadcast bands.

Digital Tuning

This uses PLLs to electronically tune in the desired frequency, and
allows for easy reception of SSB signals, and storage of frequencies
in memory chips. However, the micro-electronics needed tend to be
expensive, noisy, and power hungy; Most of the cheaper ones do not
exploit all possible benefits, such as scanning. On the other hand,
digital radio kits which interface with your computer exploit most
of the benefits of digital tuning for just a few hundred dollars.
Digital tuning is usually accomplished by pressing keys, and on some
radios by turning knobs.

Analog Tuning

This relies on circuits which are tuned directly by you, and not via
microchip control. As a result, stations tend to drift on most radios
with analog tuning, which makes SSB reception very difficult. Analog
tuning is only by turning knobs (and pushing car-radio-style buttons).
However, these radios often tolerate more abuse, last longer on
batteries, and are simpler to use, than digitally-tuned radios.

[5] What radio accessories are especially useful for shortwave?

Antennas: increase the strength of signals fed into the radio so that
more stations may be heard. In most cases, you should receive many
using the whip antenna supplied as standard equipment, but to receive
more distant and/or weaker stations, a better (outdoor) one should be
hooked up. Pre-selectors are inserted in-between to filter strong out-
-of-band signals that might create interfering ghost signals. Antenna
tuners are inserted to increase the efficiency of signal transfer to
the radio. Tunable loop antennas can do some pre-selection, and are a
good compromise where space is limited: Sony's AN-LP1 tunable travel
loop folds up to use a minimum of baggage space; fully-equipped loops
are quite practical for use on RVs:
Firefly antenna for motorcycles:

CB Splitter-Tuners: may improve efficiency of signal transfer from
your vehicle's standard antenna; less noisy than pre-amps or boosters:

Headphones: will let you focus on transmissions without distractions.
As found on some external speakers, they may also be equipped with
circuitry to further process the audio and enhance its quality.

Listening Guides and Technical References: can provide information
on propagation of shortwave signals via the ionosphere, use of your
equipment, stations & frequencies, etc. Especially recommended are:

Mariners' Guide to Single Sideband, by F. Graves:

The World Traveler's Guide: Shortwave Listening On The Road, by A. Yoder:

Computer Software: does many things from decoding digital signals to
storing stations, frequencies and propagation times. Some radios can
be controlled by such software. A few radios are even dependent on
a computer in order to process analog signals, yet may run on 12 VDC
for some degree of mobile use with a laptop.

NiMH Batteries & ('survival') Chargers: more useful than 'emergency'
radios with generators or solar cells. (Serious survivalists should
have these items separately anyway. Besides, no such radio lets you
tune in relevant SSB transmissions during emergencies. Travelers may
find one convenient, but should realise that FRN$10 can buy a smaller
radio with similar shortwave performance: Coby CX-CB12, etc.)

The last but not least important accessory is Experience. Time spent
working with a shortwave radio gives you more information to get the
most out of it, such as the best times in your area for reception of
certain frequencies, and the techniques that work best for you.

[6] How do bands, wavelengths & frequencies, kHz & MHz, differ?

A band is a range of frequencies (in kHz, MHz etc.) on the dial. Many
old analogs had dials calibrated according to wavelengths (in metres)
instead, since the tuning location of a station can also be expressed
in terms of a 'wavelength': e.g. the "16m" position on such dials is
within a sub-range of frequencies whose wavelengths are approximately
16 metres. Thus, wavelengths also may refer to equivalent sub-bands.

* To convert MHz to kHz, multiply by 1000 kHz/MHz.
9.625 MHz x 1000 kHz/MHz = 9625 kHz

* To convert kHz to MHz, divide by 1000 kHz/MHz.
21725 kHz divided by 1000 kHz/MHz = 21.725 MHz

* To convert MHz to metres, divide 300 Mm/s by the number of MHz.
300 Mm/s divided by 7.445 MHz = 40.29 metres

* To convert metres to MHz, divide 300 Mm/s by the number of metres.
300 Mm/s divided by 14 metres = 21.428 MHz (21428 kHz)
300 Mm/s divided by 15 metres = 20.000 MHz
300 Mm/s divided by 16.881 m = 17.771 MHz
300 Mm/s divided by 17.320 m = 17.321 MHz
300 Mm/s divided by 19 metres = 15.789 MHz
300 Mm/s divided by 20 metres = 15.000 MHz
( Note that as frequencies get lower, wavelengths get longer.)

Low Frequencies

The 30 - 300 kHz range is known as the low frequencies' band, and
is also called 'longwave'.

Reception in the LF band is best between 6 p.m. and midnight (your
time). Many stations in this band serve as beacons for aircraft and
marine navigation by continuously transmitting their call letters.
Many LF broadcasts use Morse code (CW), but some transmit in Binary
Coded Decimal (BCD), such as the time station WWVB on 60 kHz.

In Europe, N. Africa and N. Asia, the LF band contains the longwave
AM broadcast band from 153 to 279 kHz, but in N. America the only AM
broadcasts to be found are typically weather reports.

Medium Frequencies

The medium frequencies' band is between 300 & 3000 kHz. In America,
it contains the mediumwave AM broadcast band between 525 & 1600 kHz,
extended to 1700 kHz in Argentina, Australia & the U.S. A few more
MF stations are between 2300 & 2500 kHz, esp. in Australia & Brazil.

Coastal shipping uses 415 - 535 kHz: 3 CW calling and distress
stations monitor 500 kHz in Arctic Canada; internationally, most
NavTex automated warning stations use 518 kHz. Similarly, other
coastal stations & boats, especially coast guards and pleasure
boaters, have use of 2000 - 2300 kHz, with 2182 kHz set aside
internationally as a voice calling and distress channel.

Spanning the 160 metre dial position there is an amateur radio
band from 1800 to 2000 kHz. Most of these are SSB transmissions.

High Frequencies

The high frequencies' band is between 3,000 & 30,000 kHz, and is
synonymous with shortwave. Most frequencies within the HF band
are set aside for a specific use, such as listed below:

Aircraft, Amateur Radio, CB, International Broadcast,
Ship & Coastal Station, Time & Standard Carrier Frequencies

Aircraft Frequencies

Aircraft on trans-oceanic routes often use shortwave, mostly SSB,
although some might still use AM, to communicate with air traffic
controllers. Here are some bands where you might hear them:

2,850- 3,155 kHz
3,400- 3,500 kHz
4,650- 4,750 kHz
5,450- 5,730 kHz
6,525- 6,765 kHz
8,815- 9,040 kHz
10,005-10,100 kHz
11,175-11,400 kHz
13,200-13,360 kHz
15,010-15,100 kHz
17,900-18,030 kHz
21,870-22,000 kHz
23,200-23,350 kHz

Amateur ('ham') Radio Frequencies

Scanning the amateur radio frequencies can be interesting and also
helpful at times, because amateur radio operators often broadcast
emergency information when other means of communication break down.

Amateur radio operators may obtain a basic licence to transmit only
above the HF band, without needing to know Morse code. Those who get
the more senior amateur licences may also transmit in the HF band,
using SSB mode for voice messages, but must pass a proficiency test
for sending messages via Morse code (in 'CW' mode). Voice operators
usually transmit in a band just above that for code operators, as
shown below.
80 metres: 3,500 - 3,750 kHz 3,750 - 4,000 kHz
40 metres: 7,000 - 7,150 kHz 7,150 - 7,300 kHz
30 metres: 10,100 - 10,150 kHz
20 metres: 14,000 - 14,150 kHz 14,150 - 14,350 kHz
16 metres: 18,068 - 18,110 kHz 18,110 - 18,168 kHz
14 metres: 21,000 - 21,200 kHz 21,200 - 21,450 kHz
12 metres: 24,890 - 24,930 kHz 24,930 - 24,990 kHz
10 metres: 28,000 - 28,300 kHz 28,300 - 29,700 kHz

Note: These designations are not observed everywhere in the world,
particularly in the United States, as one might expect.

CB Frequencies (applies partly to Oceania: Guam, Samoa, etc.)

As does ham radio, CB radio transmissions will use SSB, but unlike
ham radio, transmissions on the CB band do not require a licence.
The transmissions may also be in AM mode. Some frequencies are set
aside for controlling objects but most are for voice communications.

64 frequencies are allocated as 10 kHz channels and separated by a
frequency step of 10 kHz from 26,895 to 27,535 kHz. 40 channels are
for voice communications from 26,965 to 27,405 kHz. Channel 9 or
27,065 kHz is reserved for emergency use. In N. America, Channel 19,
27,185 kHz, is often used as a highway information channel.

International Broadcast Frequencies

International and domestic broadcasts are found in the following
shortwave bands. These are usually AM broadcasts containing news,
commentaries, music, and special features reflecting the culture of
the broadcasts' originators. You can often find more such stations
transmitting just above or below these bands:

90 metres * 3,200 to 3,400 kHz
75 metres * 3,900 to 4,000 kHz
60 metres * 4,750 to 5,060 kHz
49 metres 5,900 to 6,200 kHz
41 metres ** 7,100 to 7,350 kHz
31 metres 9,400 to 9,900 kHz
25 metres 11,600 to 12,100 kHz
22 metres 13,570 to 13,870 kHz
19 metres 15,100 to 15,800 kHz
17 metres 17,480 to 17,900 kHz
15 metres 18,900 to 19,020 kHz
13 metres 21,450 to 21,850 kHz
11 metres 25,670 to 26,100 kHz

* Bands reserved for stations in tropical areas, but some non-
-tropical stations often disregard this.
** Interference is heavy around 41 & 75 metres because amateur
radio operators and international stations share each range.

Ship & Coastal Station Frequencies

Most HF voice transmissions from ships & coastal stations are in SSB.
You can hear these transmissions in the following bands:

4,000- 4,143 kHz
4,351- 4,435 kHz
6,200- 6,525 kHz
8,100- 8,815 kHz
12,230-12,420 kHz
13,107-13,200 kHz
16,360-16,565 kHz
17,100-17,410 kHz
18,780-18,900 kHz
19,680-19,800 kHz
22,000-22,855 kHz
25,070-25,210 kHz
26,100-26,175 kHz

WWVH broadcasts marine weather conditions for the Pacific 48 minutes
past the hour; WWV for the NW Atlantic 8 minutes past; each does so for
the NE Pacific 2 minutes afterwards, on HF frequencies as listed below.

Time & Standard Carrier Frequencies

The following stations broadcast their carriers exactly on-frequency,
which is useful to also calibrate SSB fine-tuning dials or BFOs (even
on some digitally-tuned radios). They also broadcast the exact time of
day at regular intervals 24 hours a day in standard AM mode (except
where noted). The time is given in the UTC standard. Most shortwave
stations are on UTC time, regardless of what time zone they are in.

CHU at Ottawa, Ontario:
3,330 & 7,335 & 14,670 kHz
(all in a fully 'AM-compatible' SSB mode: USB + full carrier)

LOL at Buenos Aires, Argentina: 11-12h, 14-15h, 17-18h,
5,000 & 10,000 kHz 20-21h, 23-24h UTC only

WWVH at Kekaha, Hawaii and (or) WWV at Fort Collins, Colorado:
5,000 & 10,000 & 15,000 (& 20,000) kHz

YVTO at Caracas, Venezuela:
5,000 kHz

[7] But what if I don't want to scan for stations while driving?

You can also lock in 'full-time' transmitters. Just be able to wait
through AM-type dead-zones: when relatively nearby your radio can be
in a dead-zone; or when farther away, tuning in can be like using an
'AM radio' at night to receive that station, although antenna use is
as for FM. Even if you stay put, a strong signal may soon fade away,
since reception can also vary with time of day, as well as location,
and some other conditions. The list below has a variety of full-time
frequencies of Oceania\America. Although this information is subject
to change at any time without notice, the stations have not changed
frequency very often. Average transmission time for each frequency
is over eight hours a day. The list can also help you test radios
before buying one, or program memories before departure to avoid
scanning for stations while underway. Many shortwave radios also
have clock-radio functions: listed stations near to you or having
good, reliable reception may be used for when the radio is set to
turn on, and should keep on broadcasting, even if you hit 'snooze'
repeatedly; otherwise, time & standard frequency stations are well-
-suited for this purpose. When 'DXing' the following stations, the
4-digit frequencies tend to work better at night.

kHz; Station, Location
3,205 Radio West Sepik, Vanimo, Papua New Guinea
3,210 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
3,220 HCJB, Quito, Ecuador
3,220 Radio Morobe, Lae, Papua New Guinea
3,230 NTSS, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
3,235 Radio West New Britain, Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
3,260 Radio Madang; Papua New Guinea
3,275 Radio Southern Highlands, Mendi, Papua New Guinea
3,290 VOG, Sparendaam, Guyana
3,300 Radio Cultural, C.Guatemala;
3,305 Radio Western, Daru, Papua New Guinea
3,315 Radio Manus, Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
3,315 NTSS, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
3,325 Radio North Solomons, Kieta, Papua New Guinea
3,345 Radio Northern District, Popondetta, Papua New Guinea
3,355 Radio Noumea, New Caledonia
3,355 Radio Simbu, Kundiawa, Papua New Guinea
3,365 Radio Milne Bay, Alotau, Papua New Guinea
3,370 NTSS, Katherine, Northern Territory
3,375 Radio Western Highlands, Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea
3,385 Radio East New Britain, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
3,385 FR3, Cayenne, French Guyana
3,905 Radio New Ireland, Kavieng, Papua New Guinea
3,935 Radio Reading Service, Levin, New Zealand
3,945 RV, Emten, Vanuatu
4,755 Radio Educadasao Rural, Campo Grande, Brazil
4,765 Radio Integrasao, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil
4,765 Radio Emissora Rural, Santarem, Brazil
4,785 Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, Brazil
4,805 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
4,815 Radio Difusora, Londrina, Brazil
4,820 HRVC, Tegucicalpa, Honduras
4,824.4 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, Peru
4,825 Radio Cansao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
4,830 Radio Techira, San Cristobal, Venezuela
4,835 NTSS, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
4,845 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, Brazil
4,850 SRS, Paramaribo, Suriname
4,860 Radio Federacion Shuar, Sucua, Ecuador
4,875 La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, Bolivia
4,890 NBC, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
4,905 Radio Mar, Chorillos, Peru
4,910 NTSS, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
4,915 Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, Brazil
4,915 Radio Difusora, Macapa, Brazil
4,920 Radio Quito, Quito, Ecuador
4,945 Radio Illimani, La Paz, Bolivia
4,955 Radio Nacional, Bogota, Colombia
4,960 Radio Villa, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
4,960 RV, Emten, Vanuatu
4,985 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, Brazil
4,980 Ecos del Torbes, San Cristobal, Venezuela
4,991 Radio Apinti, Paramaribo, Suriname
5,020 SIBC, Honiara, Solomon Islands
5,025 NTSS, Katherine, Northern Territory
5,025 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, Cuba
5,029 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
5,030 Radio Catolica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
5,035 Radio Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
5,040 Voz del Upano, Macas, Ecuador
5,045 Radio Cultura do Para, Belem, Brazil
5,055 Faro del Caribe, San Jose, Costa Rica
5,055 RFO, Matouri, French Guyana
5,070 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
5,085 WWRB, Manchester, Tennessee
5,105-usb WBCQ, Monticello, Maine
5,446.5-usb AFN, Key West, Florida
5,745 WHRI, Noblesville, Indiana
5,755 KAIJ, Dallas, Texas
5,765-usb AFN, Agana, Guam
5,770 Radio Miskut, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua
5,825 EWTN, Vandiver, Alabama
5,835 KIMF, Pinon, New Mexico
5,920 WVOH, Newport, North Carolina
5,935 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
5,950 WYFR, Okeechobee, Florida
5,950 VOG, Sparendaam, Guyana
5,955 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, Brazil
5,970 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
5,980 Radio Guaruja, Florianopolis, Brazil
5,980 Union Radio, C. Guatemala;
5,980 Gronlands Radio, Godthab, Greenland
5,985 WYFR, Okeechobee, Florida
5,985 RMI, Mexico DF;
5,990 Radio Senado, Brasilia, Brazil
6,000 Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, Brazil
6,012 AFAN, McMurdo Station, Antarctica
6,015 Radio El Mundo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
6,020 Radio Educadora da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
6,020 Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, Brazil
6,025 Radio Illimani, La Paz, Bolivia
6,030 CFVP, Calgary, Alberta
6,030 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
6,030 Radio Santa Maria, Coyhaique, Chile
6,030 Radio Marti, Marathon, Florida
6,050 HCJB, Quito, Ecuador
6,050 Radio Guarani, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
6,060 Radio Tupi, Curitiba, Brazil
6,060 Radio Nacional/RAE, Buenos Aires, Argentina
6,070 CFRX, Toronto, Ontario
6,070 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
6,080 Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, Brazil
6,080 HCJB, Quito, Ecuador
6,090 Radio Esperanza, Temuco, Chile
6,090 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
6,090 The Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, BWI
6,105 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, Bolivia
6,105 Radio Cansao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
6,105 Radio Universidad, San Jose, Costa Rica
6,115 La Voz del Llano, Villavicencio, Colombia
6,115 Radio Union, Lima, Peru
6,120 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, Cuba
6,130 CHNX, Halifax, Nova Scotia
6,135 RFO, Papeete, Tahiti
6,135 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia
6,135 Radio Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
6,140 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, Cuba
6,150 Radio Record, Sao Paulo, Brazil
6,150 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
6,155 Radio Fides, La Paz, Bolivia
6,160 CKZN, St. John's, Newfoundland
6,160 CKZU, Vancouver, British Columbia
6,160 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, Brazil
6,160 Sistema LBV Mundial, Porto Alegre, Brazil
6,180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil
6,185 Radio Educacion, Mexico DF;
6,190 Radio Senado, Brasilia, Brazil
6,350-usb AFN, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
6,890 WWRB, Manchester, Tennessee
7,315 WHRI, Noblesville, Indiana
7,380 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
7,385 Radio Miami International; Florida
7,395 WRNO, New Orleans, Louisiana
7,415 WBCQ, Monticello, Maine
7,425 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver, Alabama
7,445 RFPI, El Rodeo, Costa Rica
7,490 WJIE, Millerstown, Kentucky
7,505 KTBN, Salt Lake City, Utah
7,507-usb AFN, Isabela, Puerto Rico
9,320 WWRB, Manchester, Tennessee
9,329.7-lsb WBCQ, Monticello, Maine
9,370 WTJC, Newport, North Carolina
9,465 WMLK, Bethel, Pennsylvania
9,465 KFBS, Marpi, Saipan
9,475 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
9,495 WHRI, Noblesville, Indiana
9,515 Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, Brazil
9,530 Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, Brazil
9,540 Radio Educadora da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
9,540 Radio Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela
9,545 SIBC, Honiara, Solomon Islands
9,550 Radio Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
9,565 Radio Tupi, Curitiba, Brazil
9,580 Radio Australia, Shepparton, Victoria
9,585 Radio CBN, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9,600 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, Cuba
9,625 CBC, Sackville, New Brunswick
9,625 Radio Fides, La Paz, Bolivia
9,630 Radio Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9,635 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
9,635 Radio Nacional, Bogota, Colombia
9,640 Ecos del Torbes, San Cristobal, Venezuela
9,650 Emisora C. de Montevideo; Uruguay
9,660 Radio Australia, Brandon, Queensland
9,665 Radio Marumby, Florianopolis, Brazil
9,675 NBC, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
9,675 Radio Cansao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
9,685 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9,705 RMI, Mexico DF;
9,725 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
9,737 Radio Nacional, Asuncion, Paraguay
9,820 Radio Havana; Cuba
9,955/65 KHBN, Aimeliik, Palau
9,975 KVOH, Simi, California
9,985 KHBN, Aimeliik, Palau
10,320-usb AFN, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
11,530 Radio Catolica Mundial, Vandiver, Alabama
11,565 KWHR, Naalehu, Hawaii
11,690 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
11,725 Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, Brazil
11,735 Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, Brazil
11,765 Radio Tupi, Curitiba, Brazil
11,770 RMI, Mexico DF;
11,775 The Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, BWI
11,780 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil
11,805 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11,830 Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, Brazil
11,870 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
11,895 Sistema LBV Mundial, Porto Alegre, Brazil
11,915 Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, Brazil
11,925 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
11,930 Radio Marti, Marathon, Florida
12,080 Radio Australia, Brandon, Queensland
12,133.5-usb AFN, Key West, Florida
12,160 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
12,172 WWRB, Manchester, Tennessee
13,362-usb AFN, Agana, Guam
13,570 WINB, Red Lion, Pennsylvania
13,595 WJIE, Millerstown, Kentucky
13,615 WEWN, Vandiver, Alabama
13,750 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica
13,760 WHRI, Noblesville, Indiana
13,815 KAIJ, Dallas, Texas
13,820 Radio Marti, Marathon, Florida
13,845 WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
15,040 RFPI, El Rodeo, Costa Rica
15,200 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil
15,240 Radio Australia, Shepparton, Victoria
15,325 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, Brazil
15,375 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
15,415 Radio Australia, Shepparton, Victoria
15,420 WRNO, New Orleans, Louisiana
15,590 KTBN, Salt Lake City, Utah
15,725 Radio Miami International; Florida
15,745 WEWN, Vandiver, Alabama
17,495 WBCQ, Monticello, Maine
17,600/45 Christian Voice, Darwin, Northern Territory
17,650 WHRA, Greenbush, Maine
17,675 RNZI, Rangitaiki, New Zealand
17,680 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
17,750 WYFR, Okeechobee, Florida
17,775 KVOH, Simi, California
21,455-usb HCJB, Quito, Ecuador
21,500/50 Radio Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile
21,725 Radio Australia, Shepparton, Victoria
25,322 AAFR, Darwin, Northern Territory
25,870-fm WFLA, Tampa, Florida
29,880-fm Radio Sideral, Quito, Ecuador

[8] Where online can I get more information on SW (car) radios?

Google's archives of can get you started:

So can these websites of radios with shortwave coverage:

Car Radios:

Palm-sized, Belt-clippable Radios: (recommended for bikers)

Boom-box Radios: (recommended for boating/camping)

[9] Abbreviations and Terms

Below is a short list of common terms and abbreviations relevant to SW
radios. You can find further explanations on SW topics at:


AM (Amplitude Modulation)
BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator)
CB (Citizens' Band)
CW (Continuous Wave)
DX (old telegraphy code for Distant TRANSmission)
ECSS(Exalted Carrier Single Sideband)
FM (Frequency Modulation)
FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
HAM (AMateur radio)
HF (High Frequencies)
kHz (kiloHertz)
LSB (Lower SideBand)
LW (LongWave)
Mm/s(Mega metres per second)
MHz (MegaHertz)
MW (MediumWave)
PLL (Phase Locked Loop)
RTTY(Radio TeleTYpe)
SSB (Single SideBand)
SWL (ShortWave Listening)
USB (Upper SideBand)
UTC (Universal Time: by atomic clocks Coordinated to track GMT)
VHF (Very High Frequencies)


Amplitude Modulation: A technique that multiplexes audio frequencies
onto the upper side of a carrier to produce the USB, and a mirror
image of the audio frequencies beneath the carrier to produce the LSB.
The resulting AM signal is also known as Double Sideband (DSB).

Beat Frequency Oscillator: A receiver circuit that generates a signal
to emulate the carrier missing in CW, FSK, RTTY & SSB signals, and so
enable intelligible reception.

Carrier: a radio signal transmitted at constant strength & frequency,
serving also as the reference tuning frequency of the transmission.

Continuous Wave: a radio signal transmitted at constant frequency &
strength except when interrupted to send messages by Morse code.

DXing: listening to distant stations (D=distant, X=transmitter)

Exalted Carrier Single Sideband: a reception technique in which the
BFO is used to insert a carrier over the received carrier of a signal.

Frequency Step: the frequency increment for a radio to tune or scan
from one channel to the next.

Hertz: cycles per second (= cps = c/s); metric unit of frequency.

Ionosphere: a region in the upper atmosphere where free electrons and
ions abound sufficiently to backscatter shortwave photons, so that
they skip back to earth instead of just continuing out into space.

kilo: 1,000.

Longwave: Radio signals from 30 to 300 kHz in frequency, although
this term often is abused to mean any signal lower than 540 kHz.

Lower Sideband: The sideband lower in frequency than the nominal or
actual carrier of a transmission.

Mediumwave: Radio signals from 300 to 3000 kHz (3 MHz) although this
term is often limited to mean only radio signals in the MW broadcast
band (at a minimum 540 to 1600 kHz).

Mega: 1,000,000.

Shortwave: Radio signals from 3 to 30 MHz, although this term often
is misused to include radio signals as low as 1610 kHz.

Sideband: That part of the radio signal above or below the carrier
frequency that either (as the USB) directly corresponds to the
original audio frequencies at the transmitter's input, or (as the
LSB) inversely corresponds in the form of a mirror image.

Single Sideband: A modulation technique that suppresses one sideband
entirely (and the carrier to varying degrees), leaving the remaining
sideband essentially unchanged.

Synchronous Detection: A demodulation technique that improves the
reception of AM signals. Ironically, there is no 'AM radio' on the
market that incorporates this feature. Found on many SW portables
from Sony, and on most modern desktop receivers. You will want it,
if you spend much time listening to music. For listening to voice
broadcasts under poor reception conditions, ECSS can give results
as good, if not better.

Upper Sideband: The sideband higher in frequency than the nominal
or actual carrier of a transmission.

Very High Frequencies: The radio frequencies from 30 to 300 MHz.
The FM broadcast band is in the VHF band.
optimised for viewing in Pine - will print to 7 sheets double-sided

Maximo Lachman

A revision of "Intro to Mobile Shortwave Radios" has been squirreled
away on gopher under "RetroMobileRadio" and on the ncf Travel SIG
( telnet:// login as 'guest' & then type 'go travel').