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international price for "big" panels


Thomas Hagenbucher


im looking for international prices for "big" PV-panels from USA, Japan,
Hongkong, Taiwan or other countrys.

Somebody told me, in the European Community we would have to pay three
times more than in the countries i wrote in the top. He told me that we
have "protection taxes" for the import of PV-modules that makes the
price so expensive.

If i look for prices in Goggle, there are many manufakturers over the
world, but no prices.

Here in Germany we have to pay about 5000 USD komplete for 1000Wpeak.
Including the "Controller" to send the Power to the net.

Can someone give me prices for "complete" Sytems (may be kits) for
10KWpeak to make a benchmark about the "world-prices.

thak you very much


John P . Bengi

You state one price for a system in Europe and another completely different
requirement for a system in the US.

Compare apples with apples.

Thomas Hagenbucher

John said:
You state one price for a system in Europe and another completely different
requirement for a system in the US.

Compare apples with apples.
Hi John,

Sorry, where is the difference?

Both deliver electric power.

1KWh in Europe ist the same than 1KWh in USA and 1KWh in Tokio.

If you use 110V ore230V doesnt matter so much because the panels make
only low voltage DC and you always have to transform to AC.

I dont see a so big difference. I think all the panels will be the same
either in USA ore in Germany they are all made in "East"

I ask in an other way.

Can everybody from every country give me the Price for a 120W Panel if
you buy 100 Pieces?

John P . Bengi

A 1000 watt inverter and system cost much less than a 10kW system.

I can get a 1000W inverter at the corner store here sometimes. A 10kW
inverter is a special item and the cost is way out of proportion per unit.

J.C. Hobbs


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Hi Thomas,

I'm afraid your previous replies are from people deliberatly being obtuse.

I don't know prices anywhere except in France, where a 1kWp system
(materiel + installation, everything included) had an average price in
2004 of 8.2euroes/Wp ie 8200 euros. This average holds for systems from
1 to 5kWp. Systems over this may decrease in price to around 7euros/Wp
installed, depending on the integration.

Prices have not changed in the last 2 or 3 years here.


Thomas Hagenbucher a écrit :