Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Integrator and Voltage Follower Testing

Hi there,
Good Day!!

I am going to use integrator and voltage follower ICs in my project. I know that when the voltage applied to integrator, the voltage ramps up or down based on the input and the voltage follows the output in case of voltage follower.

I am just curious how to test integrator and a voltage follower ICs without any voltages applied. Any particular measurement to know those ICs are in good or bad condition?

Thanks in Advance!!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Presumably you'll be using op amp's configured as voltage followers or integrators. Do you understand how op amps work?
Yes. I understand. So just the input and output impedance pin measurements on op-amp as mentioned in data sheet?


Hop - AC8NS
Yes. I understand. So just the input and output impedance pin measurements on op-amp as mentioned in data sheet?
I don't think you do understand. The most important specification for an op-amp configured as an integrator is the bias current produced at the differential input terminals. This should be as small as possible to minimize drift in the output when no signal applied. However, drift is inevitable with analog integrators. You can try to "zero" it out with external circuitry, but it will eventually drift away from zero.

The "best" integrator I have ever seen used an analog-to-digital converter to sample the input signal and accumulated a two's complement running sum of the digitized values. No drift at all with that one as long as the A/D produced a zero output for zero input. If an analog output was needed, the stored digital sum was applied to a digital-to-analog converter.

An op-amp configured as a non-inverting, unity-gain, voltage follower is very forgiving in its specifications, as long as you don't exceed its maximum slew-rate or apply signals with too high a frequency content.

It would help us suggest a suitable op-amp if you told us what your are trying to DO with your project.