Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Integrated Circuit with PNP and NPN transistor as bypass gate

Ok guys/gals-

I need some help with the lingo. In my mind it would be called a bypass gate but that isn't looking to be the case. What would an IC with a PNP and NPN transistor with shared Bases be called?

Basically the main current travels path A until the switch current is applied to base of both transistors. The NPN switches on to open path B through the circuit and simultaneously the PNP switches off to close the path A.

Sounds like you are describing a SPDT transistor gate of some sort, Im not sure if that exists in a single IC, but you can always use 2 transistors for it, one PNP, one NPN
Yeah that is what I was going to do but thought it might already be built in one chip. I will search single pole double throw transistor gate.

Thanks for your response!

Other than packaging and mechanical reliability would a SPDT relay be a better solution here to avoid the voltage drop through the transistors?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It depends entirely on your application.

I'm also thinking that the device might be a bipolar half-bridge.

You can easily get 2 transistors in a single package.