Good morning from New Zealand. I had a breakthrough last night. On planning to design a simple circuit to track the sun with motors I came across a youtube site.
This guy had done all I need but instead of using a full circuit using a bunch of sensors and transistors he used a chip LM358.
Now I studied this Op Amp. I found the logic diagram and discovered how it worked. I also was able to convert it into the binary which I have never really done before. Very very cool.
My question is this. If I have a circuit I am designing and instead of connecting a huge amount of transistors/diodes/levers and pullys together, how do I find an IC like the LM358 to do the work?
Does a site exist where chips are explained, can be searched out with logic diagrams to suit a purpose? Or am I going the wrong way about this?
I am so stoked to have a circuit where I actually use a chip. Because chips to most people are definitely the ooh arr look at that! Keen to understand more.
Regards Boyd
This guy had done all I need but instead of using a full circuit using a bunch of sensors and transistors he used a chip LM358.
Now I studied this Op Amp. I found the logic diagram and discovered how it worked. I also was able to convert it into the binary which I have never really done before. Very very cool.
My question is this. If I have a circuit I am designing and instead of connecting a huge amount of transistors/diodes/levers and pullys together, how do I find an IC like the LM358 to do the work?
Does a site exist where chips are explained, can be searched out with logic diagrams to suit a purpose? Or am I going the wrong way about this?
I am so stoked to have a circuit where I actually use a chip. Because chips to most people are definitely the ooh arr look at that! Keen to understand more.
Regards Boyd