Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Insights On Powering Patch Antenna In Cell Phones

so.. I have two series of steps which gives an intuitive idea regarding series of invocation involved in
producing waves from cell embedded patch antenna through programming which goes like
first the transmitter transforms electrical power from battery to produce RF AC signal which further
after being modulated powers antenna through tx line to produce RF radio waves

so far so good. If not please clarify furthermore, the second set of steps followed for invoking the cell's
embedded hardware via software goes like firstly the A/D convertor converts the program into 01100 (voltage levels) which further
finds its way through the microcontrollers(ICs) embedded in cellphones designed so as to power the required hardware.

now I wanna amalgamate the two aforementioned pieces of information so as to know how does a piece of software
ends up powering the antenna as and when required.
Can anyone please explain the series of steps involved in doing so?

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so.. I have two series of steps which gives an intuitive idea regarding series of invocation involved in
producing waves from cell embedded patch antenna through programming which goes like
first the transmitter transforms electrical power from battery to produce RF AC signal which further
after being modulated powers antenna through tx line to produce RF radio waves

hi there

even after editing your text to make it more readable, I really still don't know what you are trying to achieve ??

Hello sir
what I actually meant was - which component or in which portion of the radio transmitter circuit that is the part of mobilephone's electronics circuitry, lies the switch that switches the antenna ON/OFF when we turn the wifi/bluetooth settings ON/OFF.hope I'm clear.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It's done in software, and most likely a circuit module or function on a chip is turned off (our powered down).

One of the simpler practical examples I've read is in the microcontroller section of The Art of Electronics in the section describing how to get a particular circuit to operate from an extended time from a limited power source. It describes turning various functions on and off rather than leaving them idle to consume power.

Oh, should add that the section I referring to is in the second edition. There is possibly an equivalent in the 3rd edition but I've nit read that far through it yet.


Hello sir
what I actually meant was - which component or in which portion of the radio transmitter circuit that is the part of mobilephone's electronics circuitry, lies the switch that switches the antenna ON/OFF when we turn the wifi/bluetooth settings ON/OFF.hope I'm clear.

It's done in software, and most likely a circuit module or function on a chip is turned off (our powered down).

yes, exactly.... the antenna isn't physically switched


Hop - AC8NS
Here is a block diagram of recent cell phone technology. You can find it here. Also many links to cell phone theory of operation can be found here. Remember, Google is your friend in matters both simple and complicated.


Please note that EACH of those blocks in the above diagram contains hundreds if not thousands of individual circuits, all working together with the rest of the blocks to produce the disposable magic we call a cell phone. Why don't you find a broken cell phone, open it up, and see if you can identify where the blocks in the above diagram reside inside the cell phone? About the only thing most folks recognize is the battery... which isn't even shown in the diagram above.
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If you to improve it, use two,orthogonal antenna with a diversity switch an software to read Error rate and make the switch with Pin diodes and suitable passives, and critical layout.