Maker Pro
Maker Pro

inject silicon into TV focus?


Dan Jacobson

Should one inject silicon into the compartment that contains the two
convex metal plates separated by an air space, in the white circular
plastic component that fits on the tail end of the television tube?
The goal being to prevent gradual loss of focus (causing needing a
while to warm up the TV) in humid climates. If so, one must be picky
about the type of silicon, the sour smelling type used for caulking
windows being a disaster apparently?

Bob Myers

Dan Jacobson said:
Should one inject silicon into the compartment that contains the two
convex metal plates separated by an air space, in the white circular
plastic component that fits on the tail end of the television tube?
The goal being to prevent gradual loss of focus (causing needing a
while to warm up the TV) in humid climates. If so, one must be picky
about the type of silicon, the sour smelling type used for caulking
windows being a disaster apparently?

I'm not at all certain what you're talking about, assuming for the
moment this isnt a troll. What "two convex metal plates" do you
think affect the focus? Focusing a CRT beam is generally done
by "lenses" which are in reality electric fields established and shaped
by structures within the electron gun. (Very old CRTs, and some
specialty tubes today, used external focus coils which did the same
thing via magnetic fields, but those are extremely rare now.)

If you're talking about leakage currents affecting the focus voltage
supply (and thereby affecting the focus until the unit dries out and
the leakage path goes away), then there may be situations in which
the judicious application of RTV silicone (not "silicon") may help, but
you need to know what you're doing here.

Bob M.

Fred Abse

Should one inject silicon into the compartment that contains the two
convex metal plates separated by an air space, in the white circular
plastic component that fits on the tail end of the television tube?

Absolutely not - it's a spark gap, intended to protect circuitry from CRT
internal flashover.

Leave it strictly alone.