Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Infrared Sensor help!

Hey guys, i'm a third year student at university and need some help with my project.
I am going to be using infrared sensors in my design and wasn't sure which to buy.
The idea is that i need the sensors to align, when the alignment is broke it will send a message.
Is there anything out there like this?

Thanks for any help!
Does it really have to be infrared sensors? You can do this with a laser light and a phototransistor (I did it myself in school) or if you're really cheap then put an ldr inside a dark ballpen cover, drill two holes out the back for the legs to go through and then tape the holes so light doesn't enter, then shine your light through the opening of the ballpen cover to the ldr inside (again i also tested this already).
Can you say a little more about the "alignment" part? Like what are you aligning -- microscopic fleas or aircraft carriers? How accurate does it need to be? And so forth.

As for the general question, yes, IR is commonly used for alignment and detection. A lot of laser printers have IR detectors for that purpose.

Hey thanks for the quick reply, It does not really need to be infrared sensors as long as it does the job. I will give your idea a go!
Thanks a lot, anything else you could think of i would much appreciate it.
Well basically, the sensors will be placed on the wrist and i will need the hands to be in line so it will need to be quite accurate.
Thanks for the help, anything else you could think of i would much appreciate it.