Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Information for a complete beginner

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If you are new to electronics, this is not the project I would suggest, especially as you do not know what it does or how it works. The circuit utilises a positive feed back comparator to cut down on noise through the introduction of hysteresis. This compares the sensor LED and the reference LED to judge the threshold required for the electromagnet to be turned on.

Why is this urgent? Why not find a simpler project first?


If you are new to electronics, this is not the project I would suggest, especially as you do not know what it does or how it works. The circuit utilises a positive feed back comparator to cut down on noise through the introduction of hysteresis. This compares the sensor LED and the reference LED to judge the threshold required for the electromagnet to be turned on.

Why is this urgent? Why not find a simpler project first?

hi astrofighter

welcome to EP :)

agree with the above comments

this is well above the skills of some one with zero experience
there's no way anyone could teach you how to do this project in a short period of time

Get a good book. Reading on line is good, but for a run through of a wide area, you need a compilation of various electronics knowledge. My favourite general electronics books: electronics for dummies (good for beginners), success in electronics by Tom Duncan (a little old, but all of the principles still apply, it's just that prices have come down, clock speeds have gone up and integrated circuits have become more widespread) and finally, practical electronics for inventors. Once you have a good grasp, this is the next step. Some areas are a little patchy, eg optoelectronics and microcontrollers, but overall the depth of knowledge in this book is immense.

Also look at the resources section of this site, and ask any specific questions in this site.
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