Maker Pro
Maker Pro

INFO: The latest from Symantec - "Winfixer"


Frank Olson

"Winfixer" has now been identified as a security risk.

The software to install this program comes up as a pop-up/pop-under at
websites that utilize "". It's a wicked little sucker in
that it's persistent, and if you're not careful you could accidentally
execute the installer on your computer. There are several hundred
websites that use "". One that's quoted here frequently is
Bass Burglar Alarms.

I would strongly recommend you employ a pop-up blocker. If you're using
IE, you can download the Google Toolbar which employs an excellent
blocker, or you can configure it to block pop-ups by changing your
security settings in the "Tools/Internet Options" menu. Click on the
"Security" tab and the "Custom Settings" button. You can then scroll
down and click "enable" on the pop-up blocker option. Mozilla's Firefox
also employs an excellent blocker.

Robert will (of course) deny there are any pop-ups/pop-unders on his
website, but if you've configured your Browser to "clear cookies" when
you close it (or use Norton's "Clean Sweep"), you are at risk of
encountering "Winfixer" when you visit his site.

This has been a public service announcement and is not intended as a flame.


WOW. Thanks Frank, for the update on this scam. I"m sure RLB will thank
you also for showing him how to get rid of this incepid popup scam that may
be injuring visitors to his parts counter.

Frank Olson

You're a liar, Olson.

Really?? Where did I lie?? You "say" you have so many "friends and
neighbours". Why not have them clear their cookies and files and visit
your site (since it's obvious you don't know how to)??


Frank Olson said:
Really?? Where did I lie?? You "say" you have so many "friends and
neighbours". Why not have them clear their cookies and files and visit
your site (since it's obvious you don't know how to)??

I just went to the website. It attempts to install bass cookies three times
and attempts to load a Kounter cookie once. Whether or not any of this has
the potential for injury, I don't know. I have software in place that
routinely blocks all cookies and pop-ups and I prefer web sites that don't
try to load their applets on my computer. If a site says a cookie is
required to use it, I leave the site. It appears the bass site can still be
used with cookies and pop-ups blocked. Maybe Mr. Bass can explain the
necessity and purpose of his cookies. Just exactly what do they do and what
information is harvested from the users' computers. Are they "tracking"


Frank Olson

Robertm said:
I just went to the website. It attempts to install bass cookies three times
and attempts to load a Kounter cookie once. Whether or not any of this has
the potential for injury, I don't know. I have software in place that
routinely blocks all cookies and pop-ups and I prefer web sites that don't
try to load their applets on my computer. If a site says a cookie is
required to use it, I leave the site. It appears the bass site can still be
used with cookies and pop-ups blocked. Maybe Mr. Bass can explain the
necessity and purpose of his cookies. Just exactly what do they do and what
information is harvested from the users' computers. Are they "tracking"

I don't think Robert even knows they're there. The code used by the
pop-ups was posted into the Newsgroup a few days ago, but it's obvious
to me that he isn't fully conversant with "html" or "java script" to
recongize what it does. It's also perfectly obvious that he doesn't
have a clue about how to delete cookies. He more than likely has his
browser set so that it opens onto his homepage. His "state of denial"
is actually quite funny when you think of it. "Kicks and giggles"... :)


Damn here goes the Viagra down the drain...
will she still be willing to stay with a halfman?