Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Inexpensive Alarm Receiver



Hi All-

I am looking for an inexpensive receiver for alarm signals sent over
the phone. This system is being used in a non burglar monitoring
situation. We are using DSC 864 panels to send the signals. I know
DSC and maybe others make a card for a PC, but it runs about $1,500.00,
plus software. I can go this route if necessary, but I'd like to find
something that is less money. All I need is an event log kept at the
monitoring site.


Crash Gordon®

Check ebay.
I have a couple of recievers I'm selling but neither will take DSC.

Mark Leuck

Unless they are strange and rare receivers they should

Check ebay.
I have a couple of recievers I'm selling but neither will take DSC.

Crash Gordon®

DMP SCS-1 and a Radx 6500

Mark Leuck said:
Unless they are strange and rare receivers they should

Check ebay.
I have a couple of recievers I'm selling but neither will take DSC.

Mark Leuck

DMP SCS-1 and a Radx 6500

Well the 6500 will accept 4/2 and if I recall they did come out with a
Contact ID compatible card, doesn't sound like you have that tho


Check ebay.
I have a couple of recievers I'm selling but neither will take DSC.

Why not??

Crash Gordon®

no, 'cause i wasn't using CID back then..just modem format only. Then I closed my CS and put my stuff into my friends CS (a lot less headaches).

Crash Gordon®

The SCS-1 only took SDLC and the 6500 I only used the modem format at the time. I think I have a buyer finally for the 6500.