Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Industrial MIPI camera for Raspberry Pi - Questionnaire

Hi everyone,

We have started with the development of our own embedded MIPI camera module for the Raspberry Pi with an industrial image sensor. Currently we are in the specification phase and we are interested in your preferences so we will develop a product that does fit your requirements. Please answer the following four questions.
Sorry for this late answer, but there are also industrail versions of the Raspberry Pi, which are suitable for industrial environments.
I didn't know that - thanks for sharing....

However - your questions aren't really appropriate as the choice will be user-dependent therefore making a SINGLE type of system wouldn't be practical i.e. some might want colour, some would be ok with mono. So why don't you design the system to accept ANY of the modular cameras and let the user choose and the design auto-select the module in use?

Triggering could be user-selected too.

As for the housing - who can tell? Make it available in ONE shape/size only and make the user adapt their system to fit it.
We do our design in a way that we can add multiple sensors in the future. However, for the initial prototypes we want to select the sensors that are the most interesting and select a shape that is most appreciated. So, our roadmap (not available yet) includes all the sensors and housing we will mention.
Concerning triggering, if our poll would indicate that there is only limited interest in triggering we would on first hand skip this, because it comes with a lot of extra implementation time and costs and we would add this feature later. However if most applications require it, we will include it with our initial release.

I hope this answers your questions.
If I was designing a prototype I'd go for the highest available spec - colour/20mpx etc to show the BEST capabilities of the system and offer a cost-effective option for those that have such requirements (mono, lower px count).

Prototyping something that doesn't reflect the 'best' you can manage is a waste of time and effort and fails to show your capabilities.

I'd go so far as to suggest the design incorporated all the possible features but allowed you (as the retailers) to 'de-spec' the device accordingly - much the same way many oscilloscope manufacturers make their devices capable of MUCH better performance and de-rate them (for the cheap versions) and doa simple software upgrade for the 'expensive' versions.
If you design a camera that can do all it's very expensive and it takes very long before you can go to market with it. The prototype we make will also be released. When you build up a new camera series you have to start with an affordable camera option and good time to market. After that you can expand your portfolio with more and more options. However, with the initial design we keep the future camera options in mind.