Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Induction hob circuit board repair

Hi everyone, I'm wondering if I could get some help please.

I have 2 filterboards out my induction hob and both seem to be fried in the same area. It seems like there is a bridge that is missing from under the board where the burn marks are and that would seem to connect the live input with the rest of the board.

On the top there are no burn marks and just above where the problem is ''repair_option" is printed next to what looks like a space for a fuse.

I've attached some photos, any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Richard15182847095491139739327.jpg 15182848286211842112875.jpg 15182848563691582287526.jpg
It has been my experience with these type of boards that traces that carry heavy loads eventually degenerate due to heat etc, it get to a point where the trace separates and produces a flash burn of the trace, if this appears the case, I clean the board off and use a copper braid to repair the break, copper wick used in de-soldering works great for this.
Thanks very much for your reply.

So i should give it a clean up and bridge this gap:
I'll fire up the old soldering iron tomorrow...
I am wondering if that is a fusible link substituting the fuse carrier on the reverse side.
If so you may be put a normal fuse in?
It does look like it. It didn't have one in before so I'm not sure what kind to put in. It says 20A on the board. Do you know what sort would be best suited to this? Glass/ ceramic slow / fast?

Thanks again.
Looks like it says F200 20a next to the fuse holder.
I would start a little lower and see if the unit works and then if you get nuisance blowing of the fuse up it a few amps.
If that is in fact a fusible link, it appears that it would be fast blow in nature.