Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Indicator light for soldering iron temp control

I have made a temperature control for a soldering iron but I would like to add an indicator light to show when its on. I have lots of LED's so what I need to know is what parts I need to connect the LED to 110 volts ac. I tried reading the "Quick" link on LED's but I couldn't understand enough of it to do what I want to do. Sorry I flunked rock science :eek: ie newbee.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, that tutorial deliberately omits mention of connecting LEDs to the mains.

Does your soldering iron operate at low voltages from a transformer or is it really powered straight from the mains?
Its power'd from the mains (110 outlet) What I did is connect a dimmer switch to dual socket in a box and ran one side of the 110 to the dimmer and the other side to the socket in the box.The box has a 110 cord plugged into a wall outlet. My soldering iron temp is 550 but if I plug it into the box and turn the dimmer all the down the iron only heats to about 300. The dimmer also turn everything off by pushing the knob in.