Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Increasing current handling of PWM motor controller




I have a nifty little motor controller for Arduino that can handle 12v
DC motors up to about 1amp. I was wondering if it would be possible to
increase the current handling ability by adding some hi power
transistors and a few resistors to the output stage?

I'm not really that knowledgeable on circuit design, but I was
thinking that with a couple of resistors to adjust the output of the
motor controller from 12v down to a suitable range of voltage (and
current) for Vbe/Ib, then this could be used to trigger a larger
transistor that can handle switching more than one amp.

Is it really that simple? Or is there more to it?

Thanks in advance - all help greatly appreciated.

OK think this way the motor sits there and require V i to run it is passive components making a super power amplifier that can push 100 amps is not going to do it. The IV product will so now what increase the voltage for more power. is the solution.