Maker Pro
Maker Pro

In need of help with buzzer and LED light

Hello everyone,

I am making for my sons school a life size operation game. I am more of a wood worker with some electrical skill. I have most of it built but now is the tricky part I want to add a buzzer and led light for the nose. What I am hoping to do is have it all remote controlled so when a teacher presses a button the nose lights up and a buzzer goes off the reason for the remote control is in case a special needs child tries to use it, it won’t go off and upset them. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated thank you and have a great day
Well,first ,you can find cheeper transmitors on ebay.
Second will the game be plugged in ac 220v wall socket or you want it running on battery.
If you use 220v use old power suply from mobile phone or some gadget, because you need dc small current to run buzzzer and led light,i say led coz red bulb would probably brake witth children.u can use red film or red plastic to get color.
Well,first ,you can find cheeper transmitors on ebay.
Second will the game be plugged in ac 220v wall socket or you want it running on battery.
If you use 220v use old power suply from mobile phone or some gadget, because you need dc small current to run buzzzer and led light,i say led coz red bulb would probably brake witth children.u can use red film or red plastic to get color.

I did say something like this. I was giving the OP an idea. :)
I did a similar thing many years ago using the old 'loop around a wire' game - I built a variable delay into the circuit such the user could set what was 'sensitivity' into it and thereby allow youngsters with unsteady hands the chance to compete against adults by giving them some 'leeway'.

The dial was numbered for 'age' and the lower the number the lower the sensitivity - quite simple to implement using monostables. Of course, the kids that felt 'older than their years' dialled it up accordingly and soon found out, to their error, that dialling it the other way was a good way to cheat the system!
First let me say thank you for commenting back. I was hoping to run it all off of batteries as it will have to be placed in a gym and a wall socket location might not be available. I was planing on a plastic bulb light with led lights and a buzzer all running off of AA or 9v batteries. I feel I should point out that I’m planing to donate the project to the school afterwards and will be making no money on it just spending my own so cheep is good but I would like it to hold up also
Well,you can power buzzer amd recever from 9v but plastic bulb usually is powered from 220v so we need to find a you have solder gun or station, because you do need to solder some parts,if not ,we can find different solution