Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Immersion water heater in a metal cup

I am creating a non-profit product for charity and I have a simple electrical question.

In this product a single cup immersion water heater will go inside a stainless steel cup. So the heater will be touching the metal cup. But I am going to have a plastic safety cover that goes over the metal cup, so someone can not touch the water or metal.

Does this sound safe enough to sell to the public? Or is there anything else that might be a problem?

Thanks so much for any advice.

ps: I live in Thailand, so it might take me a while to answer any questions, cause of the time difference.
The electrical safety of the HEATER is more important - it should be (ideally) double-insulated as well as electrically earthed. Low voltage would also help (but is often impractical).
I know these heaters are the safest things, but people use them all over the world, everyday. And companies like Wal-Mart sell them, so I feel it's probably safe enough, I hope. When I think about products that are not safe, the 4th of July and fireworks come to mind ;-)
Liability ends with the supplier - you.

If you're covered for any legal claims made against you then go ahead. I realise that some countries are less inclined to take such things seriously and maybe the systems there care to turn a blind eye - 'caveat emptor' and all that - but personally I wouldn't supply anything I wasn't confident of being 100% safe for the end user on a purely moral basis, never mind legal.

But morals, like legal issues, differ across the world.
Generally, the chrome plating peels off and starts corrosion, leaks, shocking within weeks.
Absolute rubbish IMO. (Camping / contracts away).
Dunno availability in THL, but here I've seen a mini-hotplate about 3in (75mm) diameter.
May cost a bit more than imm. heater tho...
Wow, I've had one of those things for as long as I can remember. I never realized I was living so dangerously. No, wait, mine wasn't made in China, no chrome plating and 120V instead of 220V.

It's much safer than my last immersion heater.... ;)