Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Identifying mystery component

I have an old G-Comm 240Vac 13.8Vdc 25amp regulated power supply which has developed a faulty component (I have not seen one before) The small yellow/black/gold component (centre of picture) has started to explode when I switch on the power supply. There are tiny holes starting to appear on the component and obviously it wont last for much longer. Anyone have any idea?


mC1.jpg MC2.jpg
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It' probably a temperature dependant resistor used to limit the inrush curent. When powering the flowing current cause the resisitor to slowly decrease. Normally they used standard resistor color coding scheme.
Yes, have now solved the mystery component (from another forum), it is a thermistor and have now replaced it with one from an old pc power supply, the PSU is working fine again and I dont have to buy a new one :)